Drag Me Down

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Kagami Taiga Nobody can drag me down!

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Kuroko Tetsuya, Alexandra Garcia and 19 others like this.

Midorima Shintaro I hate to break this to you, but gravity can drag you down.

2 hours ago · Like · 13 people like this      

Kuroko Tetsuya Perhaps the reminder that you have your Math make-up test tomorrow will drag you back down to Earth, Kagami-kun.

2 hours ago · Like · 14 people like this      

Kagami Taiga SHIT!! IT'S TOMORROW???

2 hours ago · Like · 10 people like this      

Kuroko Tetsuya Well, let's see how much you've actually studied. What is the integral of sin^2 3x^4 + 6x?

2 hours ago · Like · 8 people like this      

Kagami Taiga Did you bang your head against the keyboard??? WHAT ARE THOSEEEE???

2 hours ago · Like · 11 people like this      

Izuki Shun Hold on a secant, Kagami! Go study Integration right now, Math is an integral part of our life! Your life will disintegrate without it!

2 hours ago · Like · 16 people like this      

Hyuga Junpei Stop scaring the first years with your lame ass puns!  

2 hours ago · Like · 10 people like this

Izuki Shun Hyuuga-to be kidding me, they love my puns!

2 hours ago · Like · 17 people like this      

Hyuga Junpei //dies of a coronary

2 hours ago · Like · 13 people like this      

Izuki Shun I would say Rest in Peace, but I prefer to Rest In Puns.

2 hours ago · Like · 9 people like this      

Akashi Seijuro Excuse me, Kagami Taiga, not only can I drag your sorry bum down, I can make you lie there on the cold hard ground.

2 hours ago · Like · 15 people like this      

Aomine Daiki Akashi, I swear to God that you're Taylor Swift repackaged into a smaller, slightly more masculine package. I mean, sheesh, she even has a whole album called Red.

2 hours ago · Like · 16 people like this      

Akashi Seijuro I happen to be a fan of Red, for that matter. Losing him was blue like I've never known, missing him was dark grey all alone... Stabbing him was red.

2 hours ago · Like · 14 people like this      

Kagami Taiga The scary thing is, that actually makes sense... Like you lost Kuroko who's blue, and because you miss him, you replaced him with Mayuzumi, who's grey. AND IT'S "LOVING HIM WAS RED" GDI.

2 hours ago · Like · 17 people like this      

Kuroko Tetsuya You know what, Kagami-kun... You might actually pass your test if you start putting your brain to use somewhere else other than making weird theories.

2 hours ago · Like · 13 people like this      

Akashi Seijuro But well, it's true, Tetsuya. I do miss our Teiko days, and you being our phantom sixth man.

2 hours ago · Like · 12 people like this      

Mayuzumi Chihiro ......

2 hours ago · Like · 11 people like this      

Izuki Shun Mayuzumi-san must be like why you Mayu do this zumi? :(

2 hours ago · Like · 18 people like this      

Hyuga Junpei //rises from the dead to strangle Izuki

2 hours ago · Like · 13 people like this  


I'm officially done with school so I have 2 months with nothing to do LOL. 

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