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Author's Note: SPOILER ALERT for those who have not read the manga! (Chapter 263 onwards, I believe) Edit: Or watched season 3.


Kise Ryouta Just realized that many of our fellow friends here have reaaaaaally cool and awesome eyes! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

Izuki Shun, Kuroko Tetsuya and 12 others like this.

Aomine Daiki Are you high?

3 hours ago · Like · 3 people like this

Kise Ryouta 「(=>o≦=)ノ You're so mean, Aominecchi! Don't you see? Izuki-san has the Eagle Eye. Takao has the Hawk Eye. Akashicchi has the Emperor Eye. Kurokocchi has the Quasi-Emperor Eye! Even Seirin's coach has those cool body-stats eyes!

3 hours ago · Like · 8 people like this

Aomine Daiki Oh yeah? But I have the best, most OP, most fantabulous eyes. You would all gladly lick my socks for breakfast to have my eyes. -smirks-

3 hours ago · Like · 4 people like this

Kagami Taiga Excuse me. My eyes shoot out lightning. 2nd-gate-of-zone lightning, to be exact. And please leave your disgusting, barf-inducing socks out of this post. -shudders-

3 hours ago · Like · 3 people like this

Aomine Daiki The only one who can insult my socks is me! Tch, big deal. Boobs over balls all day, every day. Behold my... CUP SIZE EYE! One look and I got your boob size down to a T.

3 hours ago · Like · 6 people like this

Kagami Taiga BIG DEAL! All you can do is detect balls of fats on chests. AND CAN YOU NOT SAY 'YOUR'? I know you fantasize about me, but please don't imagine me with two lumps of fats.

3 hours ago · Like · 7 people like this

Aomine Daiki WTF? I'd rather fantasize about naked mole rats. With boobs.

3 hours ago · Like · 5 people like this

Midorima Shintarou I have four eyes. Beat that.

3 hours ago · Like · 4 people like this

Akashi Seijuro Oh, is that so? Do you think you have the most powerful eye then, Daiki, Shintarou, Kagami?

3 hours ago · Like · 10 people like this

Kise Ryouta ┻┳|・ω・)ノ Goodbye, Aominecchi, Midorimacchi, Kagamicchi. It's been nice knowing you~ (。・д・)ノ゙

3 hours ago · Like · 9 people like this

Izuki Shun Eye have no eye-dea what is going on, but eye think it would be wise of all of you to stop making a spectacle of yourself. Nice one, me!

3 hours ago · Like · 9 people like this

Aomine Daiki Brb, gotta polish my gravure figures.

3 hours ago · Like · 2 people like this

Kagami Taiga Brb, it's the Japanese lunch time rush.

3 hours ago · Like · 2 people like this

Midorima Shintarou Brb, Oha Asa is on.

3 hours ago · Like · 2 people like this

Kise Ryouta You know that shit just got real when Midorimacchi starts using chat acronyms. (.'・﹏・'.)

3 hours ago · Like · 8 people like this

Akashi Seijuro Why? Come back. I'm going to give you an even better eye. All of you. How do you all fancy a black eye?

3 hours ago · Like · 11 people like this

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