A Mid-birthday's Nightmare

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^ Are you proud of me, Izuki? XD

I'VE FINALLY WATCHED KNB SEASON 3 AFTER WAITING 7 MONTHS FOR IT TO BE COMPLETED!!! I swear I almost cried at the last episode. But ah well, let's be optimistic, guys! It's not the end! We have the Extra Game to look forward to, and we can always re-watch and re-read Kurobas, and read and write fanfics! :D

And happy early birthday (7 July) to the weirdo carrot!!! (I wanted to post this ASAP since I had already finished writing it, so let's pretend it's 7 July today XD)


Takao Kazunari to Midorima Shintaro: Happy birthday, Shin-chan!!! What do you want for your birthday present? :D

Like · Comment · 2 hours ago · See Wall-to-Wall

Otsubo Taisuke, Nijimura Shuzo and 25 others like this.

Midorima Shintaro For you to stop annoying me. And changing my phone's contact names to characters from Winx Club.

2 hours ago· Like · 10 people like this  

Takao Kazunari Aww, you don't mean that. You lurve me~ <3 ;D

2 hours ago· Like · 8 people like this  

Akashi Seijuro Many happy returns of the day, Shintaro. I have sent you a book. I hope you have received it. It's entitled 'How Not To Be A Loser Even If You Are One'.

2 hours ago· Like · 11 people like this  


2 hours ago· Like · 6 people like this  

Akashi Seijuro I'm very sorry, Midorima. That guy is just so tactless. I'll send you another present to make up for him. How about something related to shogo?

2 hours ago· Like · 7 people like this  

Akashi Seijuro I highly doubt Shintaro wants anything related to that slobbering mess named Haizaki Shogo. What is with him and his thumb? Doesn't he know that it is extremely unsanitary to lick it?

2 hours ago· Like · 12 people like this  

Akashi Seijuro I meant shogi. It was obviously a typo, you didn't have to be so sarcastic. Now please stop going on about Haizaki's lack of hygiene.

2 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this  

Aomine Daiki Hygiene isn't the only thing that idiot Haisucky lacks. A brain, a heart and fashion sense are what he lacks. Seriously, how could he ever think he would ever look good with that hairstyle??? What is with basketball players and the things they do to their poor hair???

2 hours ago· Like · 16 people like this  

Kagami Taiga But seriously, Akashi, are you secretly Hannah Montana or something??? With your two personalities and stuff??

2 hours ago· Like · 15 people like this  


2 hours ago· Like · 8 people like this  

Kise Ryouta Chilling out take it slow, then you rock out the show~! (ノ≧∀≦)ノ

2 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this  

Akashi Seijuro How dare you compare me to that peasant who doesn't even have enough money to buy enough clothes to cover herself.

2 hours ago· Like · 12 people like this  

Akashi Seijuro They obviously meant that as a joke. And Hannah Montana, or rather, Miley Cyrus, is much richer than you are.

2 hours ago· Like · 7 people like this  

Akashi Seijuro You mean you. Because you are me and I am you.

2 hours ago· Like · 8 people like this  

Takao Kazunari Is it just me or is this whole conversation creepy as heck???

2 hours ago· Like · 14 people like this  

Midorima Shintaro Please, just stop. Don't make me have nightmares about two Akashis, Miley Cyrus and Haizaki licking his thumb on my birthday.

2 hours ago· Like · 13 people like this  

Takao Kazunari Heheheh, don't worry about that! I've got that all covered! You won't be having nightmares 'cos I'm not letting you sleep tonight~ ;)

2 hours ago· Like · 19 people like this  

Midorima Shintaro NO. WHAT. GO AWAY.

2 hours ago· Like · 11 people like this  

Takao Kazunari Jeez, what are you thinking??? I just meant that we are having a surprise sleepover at your place tonight!!! The entire Shutoku team! \^o^/

2 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this  

Miyaji Kiyoshi I'm bringing pineapples. I can conk you on the head with them to wake you up if you have nightmares.

2 hours ago· Like · 10 people like this  

Midorima Shintaro WAIT. WHAT? And no, Miyaji-san. I think I'd prefer a nightmare to a concussion. And how is it a surprise if you're telling me beforehand?

2 hours ago· Like · 8 people like this  

Takao Kazunari Beforehand? Shin-chan, tsk tsk. Look behind you.

2 hours ago· Like · 7 people like this  

Midorima Shintaro ... There's nothing there.

2 hours ago· Like · 5 people like this  

Kise Ryouta You've been gone for 20 minutes, Midorimacchi!! :O Have you been dragged to the depths of hell by the Akashicchi/Miley Cyrus/Shogo-kun ghost?!!!

2 hours ago· Like · 8 people like this  

Takao Kazunari Don't worry! He just fainted after we jumped out from his wardrobe and Otsubo-san sat on his face, all 98kg of him! :D

2 hours ago· Like · 12 people like this  

Kise Ryouta Why do you sound so happy?! (*゚ロ゚)

2 hours ago· Like · 6 people like this  

Midorima Shintaro I'm going to kill you... TA...KA...O!!!

2 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this  

Takao Kazunari No, you're not, because you're ELATED. HAPPY. DELIGHTED. BEATIFIC. :D

2 hours ago· Like · 8 people like this  

Midorima Shintaro No, I'm not.

2 hours ago· Like · 7 people like this  

Takao Kazunari And a tsundere to the core~

2 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this  

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