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Finally got around to watching Kamisama Kiss Season 2 after a year, and when I heard Akura Ou's voice I was like OMG IS THIS AOMINE'S SEIYUU AND YAAAS. Jae Ha from Akatsuki no Yona too~ <3


Aomine Daiki to Kuroko Tetsuya: Shit, it's raining so heavily the trains are down! Tetsu, you live near the park, right? Let me take refuge at your house!!!

Like · Comment · 2 hours ago · See Wall-to-Wall

Momoi Satsuki, Wakamatsu Kosuke and 20 others like this.

Kise Ryouta EHHH I WANNA JOIN TOO! Pajama party!!! o(^∀^*)o

2 hours ago· Like · 10 people like this

Akashi Seijuro I will join you too.

2 hours ago· Like · 13 people like this

Aomine Daiki WTF??? You live in KYOTO. HOURS away.

2 hours ago· Like · 11 people like this

Akashi Seijuro I can always take the private jet.

2 hours ago· Like · 15 people like this

Aomine Daiki THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!! What are you, crazy?

2 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this

Kise Ryouta We should turn this into a Teiko pajama party!!! ヽ(*≧л≦)ノ Let's get Midorimacchi and Murasakibaracchi to join us!

2 hours ago· Like · 8 people like this

Aomine Daiki NO WHAT. When we had that training camp back in middle school, Murasakibara almost flattened my handsome face when he flailed his huge ass around in his sleep!!!

2 hours ago· Like · 16 people like this

Murasakibara Atsushi Eh.....? I have a huge ass...? Is it as big as Katy-chin's?

2 hours ago· Like · 17 people like this

Aomine Daiki Who the hell is Katy-chin?! And shit, I meant to type huge ass HAND. HAND!!!

2 hours ago· Like · 13 people like this

Murasakibara Atsushi Hmm... Katy Perry-chin, obviously. Her music videos look sooooooo delicious and sweet... I always get hungry looking at those mountains of whipped cream...

2 hours ago· Like · 11 people like this

Akashi Seijuro If Daiki were the one who typed that, it would be considered highly scandalous and gross.

2 hours ago· Like · 10 people like this

Aomine Daiki Puh-lease. Nicki Minaj has a way bigger booty!

2 hours ago· Like · 7 people like this

Midorima Shintaro I think Kim Kardashian has a way more bodacious butt. Baby's got them curves going on!

2 hours ago· Like · 18 people like this

Kise Ryouta O___O I did not see that coming. And I think my coach has a way bigger butt, so there! >.<

2 hours ago· Like · 11 people like this

Aomine Daiki Lol Kise, do you have a grudge against your coach or something?

2 hours ago· Like · 12 people like this

Kise Ryouta That was a compliment!!! 「(=>o≦=)ノ

2 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this

Midorima Shintaro OH MY GOD, I'M GOING TO SLAUGHTER TAKAO. AND CASTRATE HIM. How does he figure out my password EVERY SINGLE TIME? HOW?

2 hours ago· Like · 17 people like this

Takao Kazunari I know you too well, Shin-chan~ ;) I mean, it was "iloveohaasa", then "ohaasarocks". Kinda predictable, eh? Heheheh.

2 hours ago· Like · 18 people like this

Aomine Daiki Thanks for the hint, man. >:)

2 hours ago· Like · 10 people like this

Midorima Shintaro STOP IT, TAKAO!!! And you'd better zip it, Aomine. Knowing you, your password's probably "boobsrock" or something equally perverted and disgusting.

2 hours ago· Like · 15 people like this

Akashi Seijuro Now, now. Let's not tease Shintaro and cause him to die from a coronary at the tender age of 16.

2 hours ago· Like · 16 people like this

Midorima Shintaro Thank you for that, Akashi. You are indeed the only one on this team I can count on.

2 hours ago· Like · 8 people like this

Akashi Seijuro We have plenty of time for that later.

2 hours ago· Like · 14 people like this

Midorima Shintaro ... I give up on you lot.

2 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya The rain has stopped already, Aomine-kun.

2 hours ago· Like · 15 people like this

Aomine Daiki I'M ALL DRENCHED!!!

2 hours ago· Like · 16 people like this

Kise Ryouta It's just like you to become so involved in butts to forget your original purpose for this post, Aominecchi! (o^皿^)

2 hours ago· Like · 14 people like this


2 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this

Midorima Shintaro What a doofus.

2 hours ago· Like · 20 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya I have to agree. Was he really my light back in middle school?

2 hours ago· Like · 11 people like this

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