Chapter One- All New Life.

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Peter's Pov:

Unbeknownst to Felix, I didn't know what I felt inside me. Nothing like the monster I always get called. Yet, I could tell something was missing; do I know what? No. I fucking don't.

I wandered aimlessly through the jungle. Not knowing what I was doing, can we say I was in a sort of trance?

"PAN!" Felix yelled as he ran up to me, "Pan, the Lost Boys, they need you! Like, now!"

"Why?" I questioned, "What could be so important that they need me when I'm thinking?" I hate it when people interupt me when I have a train of thought going.

"You'll see; you need to come, now! It's crazy!" He sounded desperate.

I sighed, rolled my eyes and followed him. "Ok, ok, fine. I'm coming. Is this really important thing at camp?"

"No. On the beach." Felix replied. Literally sprinting for his life while I flew alongside him at the same speed.

We reached the beach. It's not huge. In fact, it's pretty small. But the sun reflects on the water, though and makes it glimmer. Same with the moon. I see all the boys gathered in a large circle around something. Curiously, I approached them, silently, as to scare them.

"Hello boys!" I say in a loud voice. They immediately jump and turn around. Some smile as they see it's me.

"Hi Peter."
"Where've you been for the past day?"
"How you doing Peter?"

I answered the questions from the Lost Boys and approached one of the older ones, Jack.

"Felix said something about something being urgent. What's up?" I murmered in his ear

"Look there." Jack mumbled slightly, gesturing towards the sand a little way away from where he was standing.

As I couldn't see, I walked forward; the boys parted. That's when I saw; not knowing what to make of the sight, I nervously approached.

"Oh God." I mumble as I crouch down, "It's a girl." She looked not much younger than myself. I was 18. This girl looked around 16 or 17.

And she was so beautiful; long, brown hair, loose curls hung in it, spread around her. She had naturally full red lips and a few cute freckles covering her nose and cheeks.

I hadn't seen a female in so long, it was almost scary. But I didn't know what to do. I stood up, went slightly red when I looked at her and turned away.

"I think Peter thinks she's beautiful." I heard one of the boys whisper; he got a few giggles; they stopped suddenly when I death stared them.

"What are we gonna do about her, Pan?" Asked one of my Lost Boys, Devin.

"Leave her there until she wakes up." I mumbled in reply. She seemed to be passed out; I wanted to help her, but my magic doesn't work like that.

"Ok then." Felix commented, "What do we do now, Pan?"

"We," I replied, breathing heavily, "we go back to camp."

All the boys ran back to camp, so did Felix, he was almost off the beach, when he turned around and looked at me.

"Are you coming? Or not?" He asked with a grin.

"I'll he there in a minute. Go back to camp. I'll follow you."

And with that, he turned on his heel and ran after the boys.

I decided to look at this new, Mysterious girl a bit more. She really was gorgeous. Her lip was bleeding a lot, so I waved my hand over her face, green magic came out of it, and when I took away my hand, her lip was healed. She was wearing black, tight jeans and a shirt that accented her curves. And a jacket, a small black leather jacket. She really was gorgeous. And her clothes made her look pretty badass. I wonder if her clothes match her personality?

When I'd finished looking at her, laying still on the ground, (I'd taken note she was breathing, so she was alive) I flew back to camp.

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