Author's Notice!! -little heads up-

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Hey guys! I'm so so so sorry that this story is coming out so slowly. I really am so sorry!

I have been struggling really badly lately with mental health issues and $elf h@rm relapses. I haven't been able to get up in the mornings because I feel like nobody is gonna want me around. I haven't been motivated to write and I feel so guilty for this I'm so sorry. :(

I have people in my life who try and help, like my boyfriend. He's got my full heart and, honestly, I don't want him to leave. For days on end, I sat on his lap literally sobbing myself to sleep on him, with him taking care of me, but it didn't make me feel better. Just worse. Worse because I felt like I should do more, but I can't.

I was getting better, and my counseling was  beginning to work, and suddenly, I have just gone down a massive slope and I'm back at square one again, where it seems to be getting past the point of no return, to the fact, that some days, I don't even want to be here.

But I'll really try. I love you guys sm and I really want to write novels as a profession so I'm trying to get my act together.

And once again, I'm so fucking sorry, I feel like a massive fuck-up and a failure. If anyone wants to unfollow or stop reading, that's completely understandable.

Love you all. (Also, online, on accounts where ppl don't know me, I go by Addie Hart)

✨ Addie ✨

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