Chapter 4- One awkward confession.

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Hey guys! It's another longer chapter!! Sorry, I just had so much detain to put into it!! Hope you enjoy!!❤️


Peter Pov:

I loved having Raven here. I still do. Not much has been said about her first night at camp. When she hugged me and I called her love. Neither of us really knowing if it was more friendly or romantic. Even though I like, really like her, I wasn't too sure!

But she's like a miracle worker! The majority of the younger boys cry at night due to them missing their families and they don't like the dark. But they are fine in the day and nobody gets off this island without my permission, anyway.

But Raven is insane the way she handles it! The first night she was here, it was the middle of the night and she was asleep. Apparently she heard them crying, (they cry loud) and she went out, creeping past me and out the tent flap. She went to the boys and sang an old Scottish (I think) lullaby. The Skye Boat Song she told me, I think I got that right?

I wake up to them every night, but never knew what to do. But her first night here, I didn't wake up to the crying, I woke up to a quiet, angelic voice, singing. So, I got up, walked over to where it was coming from; I saw Raven sat on the ground, next to all the boys, stroking one of the younger boys' hair, Luke. She seemed to have put them to sleep.

I made her jump when she stood up and turned round.


Raven Pov:

I'd heard the boys crying as they'd woken me up. I was a light sleeper so I wan't too tired. I'd crept out, past Peter who was sleeping on his back. I walked out the flap and followed the cries.

"Boys? What's wrong?"

"The, the da-dark! It's full of unspeakable horrors! And well..."

"And, what else?" I asked, softly, sitting next to them on the ground of their tent.

"Please don't laugh?"

"I wouldn't dream of it! I used to cry at night! Now, what's wrong?"

"We, um, we miss our families." Mumbled one of the younger boys. Who's name turned out to be Rhydian.

"Oh, Rhydian, that's understandable! I would never laugh at that! Even if I was told I could! But, I never cried because I missed my family."

"Why not?" One of the others sniffled

"Let's just say, we didn't get on very well at all!" I chuckled.



"Can you sing to us, please? We havn't heard it in so long."

"Of course! Anything in specific?"

"No. Nothing; sorry!"

"Don't be sorry! I think, I know just the thing. It may even help you guys sleep."

I began to sing, softly, quietly, an old lullaby I used to sing to myself in my head when I was scared. The Skye Boat Song. It's a beautiful, gentle song. Just the thing to help calm nerves. Or, in this case, putting little boys to sleep.

I stroked Rhydian's hair, gently as I sang them to sleep. They were all asleep by the end. I smiled to myself. They all looked so perfect, sleeping soundlessly, minus their heavy breathing.

I got up to leave and saw Peter stood in the doorway to the tent and I jumped so hard, my legs almost gave way.

"Jesus fuck, Peter! You scared me!" I hissed at him quietly as I walked past him, he followed.

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