Chapter 9- The Trees Better not Talk...

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⚠️smut⚠️ (Sorry it's like, rlly cringy)!!

Hey guys! Idk how long this chapter will be. But I hope you like it! I don't have too many reads at the moment so if anyone has any tips on how to make my writing better, please tell me! ❤️❤️

Felix Pov:

I haven't really seen Raven much since she got kidnapped by Hook. And that was 5 days ago. She hasn't come outside. We only got glances at her. The only one who's actually seen her properly is Peter. Because they have the same tent. Peter was walking out of their tent now.

"Is she ok, Pan?" I asked, worried.

"Ask her yourself." Peter replied, basically beaming sun rays he looked so happy.

"FELIX!" Raven shouted happily, running out of their tent and flinging her arms around my neck.

"Raven! Hi!" I replied, taken aback at how excited she was. "You're happy, I've noticed."

"Because I'm finally coming back outside." She paused. "AND, I missed you all! You could've come in to see me, you know?" She giggled.

"I know, none of us wanted to, like, disturb you, you know?"

"I have been doing absolutely fuck all for 5 fucking days. And I couldn't be bothered getting Peter to get you."

"That's fair." I replied, winding a long arm round her shoulders.

"RAVEN'S OUT!" Riley yelled to the boys, jogging over to me and hugging her.

Raven Pov:

All the boys bound over to me and hugged me. I haven't left mine and Peter's tent for 5 days. I hated my appearance and I didn't think I could deal with them all. I can now, though.

"Hey guys! It feels like I haven't seen you in such a long time!"

"It has been such a long time! 5 days is a long time to go without seeing you!" Replied Riley.

We all laughed a little while Rhydian hugged me. I swear, he is my favourite boy here, bar Peter. I bent down to get to his level.

"You ok, little one?" I asked, quietly.

"I missed you. We all missed you." He replied, hugging my shoulders. "I missed you most, though." He whispered the last part almost incomprehensively it was so quiet.

The rest of the boys had cleared off, now, all still in camp, they were about to leave, though.

"Hey, wanna know a secret?" I asked Rhydian, who was now sat on my knee.

"What?" He asked, smiling.

"I missed you most, too." I replied, touching his nose.

He didn't reply, just hugged me, planted a small kiss on my cheek and ran off to the other boys. Then they all left and it was just Peter and I left in camp.

"Hey Raven, you wanna go for a walk?" Peter smirked.

"Umm, sure, I guess." I replied, getting up and walking to exit camp. "Thought you wanted to go for a walk?"

"Yeah. Ok, I'm coming." He replied, attaching a dagger scabbard to his belt. "Just in case, you know? You look really really hot, by the way. Just, what you're wearing, wow"

"Haha. Thank you baby."

We ran out of camp, Peter grabbed my hand, and we ran even further. We ended up going to the place where Hook had taken me. I shuddered.

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