Chapter 18: An Annoymous Letter.

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Hey guysss! Sorry this chapter has been ages! I'm going to post an A/U about something not to do with the story before the next chapter. Anyway, here you guys go! This is a pretty short chapter, but I really like it!

Love you all! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Raven Pov:

Everything, and I mean, everything, is fucked up. My Father is a blackout drunk, (stating the obvious but we love that) my Mother does jack shit about it, and I'm covered in swollen bruises and cuts.

Nobody likes me. And I have no friends to talk to. I've been forbidden from leaving this hell-hole. I feel like I'm going insane shut up in this place. No friends to talk to. Just myself. And that alone is driving me insane.

I was in the bathroom this morning and all I could do, was look in the mirror at myself and cry. I felt like such a failure, because I didn't stand up for myself, but then agai, what can I do? Nothing. That man who calls himself 'Father' is just way too powerful for anyone to deal with. He just, he never stops drinking. One day, one day I hope it kills him.

The whole place smells of cigarette smoke and it has past the point of giving me a headache. Nobody cares about me. Nobody wants me. I established that a long time ago. I used to think Peter cared for me. Now, I disagree with my own thought. Nothing makes sense anymore. U just miss Peter, for all I'm worth, I regret, everything! Quite frankly, I hate myself and don't think I'm enough for this place.

I look terrible. My once, healthy looking hair, that was curly when I was in Neverland, is now, staw-like, straight and slick with natural grease, I'm forbidden from doing everything except breathing, talking, drinking and eating minimally, I'm highly malnourished, you can literally see my bones on my skin and it hurts. A little bit of care is all I want!

2 days after I relapsed on my arms, I saw something, like, attached to my window, sort of. But it was somehow, on the inside, so I could get to it. My Father had had bulletproof glass installed on the window, then he locked it and burned the key, so there was no possibile way of getting it open; somehow, this thing was inside. I got up, walked over to my window and picked it up. I read what it said, and almost fainted with shock:


I unfolded the parchment, and my eyes welled up as I read:

Raven, my angel,

It's Peter. Peter Pan. Remember me, love? Shadow brought this to you. He also came to watch over you one night, 2 nights ago, and told me about all the cuts on your arms. I just hope you know, I'm not mad. Far from! I went into a highly bad state of depression after you left!

This is to remind you, that I'm still here. I always will be. Even if I never see you again, you'll be in my heart. Always. Nothing compares to how you make me feel! I miss you. All of you. In every sense, I miss having you in my arms at night, I miss your laugh, your biting temper, you and me together, (if you get what I mean)?

If there's a possibility that you don't get this and have no idea how much you mean to me, and the Lost Boys, I'll take that risk. Please, don't forget me? It'll kill me if you do, even though I won't know if you do or not. But, you are, and always will be, my Little Lady.

Love, ~Peter Pan~

I sobbed. This was the most beautiful thing, I'd ever read, or seen, for that matter! It was so simplistic, and yet so beautiful, it made me cry like a baby.

When I read 'You are, and always will be, my Little Lady,' the tears started streaming worse than before. That meant so much to me! He called me that, when we first met! After coming back first thing, I'd have hated to admit this, but, Peter Pan? I love him. I can't get enough of him. I can't get the shape of his perfectly defined body out of my head. That long, dirty burgandy cloak, his hair, his eyes, his perfect fucking hands! Everything about him, was exactly, what I loved about him...

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