Chapter 13: Heat on the beach.

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Hey guys! I'm sorry this is so late! I have been really bad with my mental health at the moment so I haven't had motivation to write! I'm so sorry! Here it is, Chapter 13!

Love you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Felix Pov:

The one time, I can't stand Peter, is the one time, I think, I love his newly broken-up with girlfriend. They'd just ended it and Raven ran off, once again, in tears. I'd learned how to handle it, now. I was no longer clueless.

After she'd ran away, I shot Pan a dirty look and ran after her, calling her name. I knew fine well which way she went, where I assumed she was headed, but wasn't sure. She could've turned off any path from that main one. She knew the island almost as well as Peter did. Despite her being here just shy of 6 months.

I decided not to go straight to the beach because if she was there, I would give her some of her own space for half an hour. Instead, I trailed around the island, looking in all the possible places she could have been. Including Dark Hollow, where Pan's shadow and other shadow's are its inhabitants. It is rare anyone goes there, including Pan, as it is the most dangerous part of the island. But I checked there anyway. Nothing. Where I found her earlier, on top of the cliff. Nothing. Mermaid Lagoon. Still nothing! Including some other places, she was nowhere to be seen. So I thought she must be at the beach.

I ran slowly towards the beach, to see Raven, sat, facing the beautiful ocean, hugging her legs to her chest. I approached her, I made sure to do so gently as I didn't want to startle her. She must've heard me coming as she turned around, for me to see her, sniffling, tears streaming down her distraught, face that had gained a small, red rash from where she'd been crying.

"I know what you must think of me, Felix." I sat down beside her and looked at her, confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked, perplexed.

"You must think that I am the biggest pussy you have ever seen? Crying so much in one day over one person, and one argument." She paused, taking a deep breath. "Not to mention you must think I just get around with every boy I see. I kissed you! Peter and I weren't even broken up, at that point!" Her voice cracked when she said the last bit.

"Actually," I started, coughing to moisten my throat that had dried up. "I don't think you are a pussy. Quite frankly I think you are a really strong person."

She stared into my eyes, blankly. "Huh?"

"Well, not many people can cry in front of other people, and not fear their judgment. You, Raven on the other hand, have cried in front of Peter, the Lost Boys and I numerous times." I smiled at her reassuringly. "I also think," I pressed on, "that the fact you agreed to kiss me, shows that you were the bigger person there, out of you and Peter."

"Well, you lot have my full trust, including Jack. Not so much Peter anymore. If I was back in Leeds, where I come from, I would probably not have shed a single tear, to be honest with you. And, you say I'm the bigger person? Respectfully, I disagree. Most people just think I'm a bit of a whore who doesn't care. But I do care, I really do! But my feelings are all over and I don't know what to do because I don't love Peter anymore but a part of me, a small part of me, misses him. Ever so slightly."

"That is completely understandable! It was ended between you less than 2 hours ago! You ended it with him, but I could see it hurt you more."

"It doesn't hurt now. I feel, nothing. The pain turned to a dull ache. That ache turned to more pain then back to a horrid dull ache again. Then it turned to nothing. Absolutely, nothing. It just, poof! Evaporated into nothingness." She turned to me, tilting her head to look into my eyes.

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