Chapter 16: I Just Wanna Forget the Past!

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HI LOVELIES! I am back! I meant to write this earlier but I'm not well so I decided to sleep all day. Haha 😅. This chapter is set back in Neverland, just to clear up any confusion that may occur! Love you all so much! ❤️❤️

Felix Pov:

Peter, is the most upset that I have ever seen him. Like, ever! He was never like this before Raven. Not yhat I blame her, of course I don't! But it was her that put Peter in this state of mind.

He had been in his tent, all fucking day today since Raven left to go back to Leeds. He just solomnly wandered back into camp the night she left, walked into his tent and didn't talk to any of us at all.

I've tried talking to him. Jack has tried. Riley has tried. And almost everyone else, but he won't listen. At all! Raven has been gone for 2 days now, and Peter just seems to be getting worse.

"Peter?" I called. "Peter can I come in, please?"

"Is it necessary?" He grumbled back in reply.

"Yes! You haven't left thst place in over a day! Come on! You need some human contact!"

He huffed. I heard the springs on his bed creak as he turned over. "Fine. Come in. If you want to."

So I walked in. "Come on. Get up. I know, you're upset as fuck, but you have got to get up soon! Please! You look terrible. Like, almost dead. Literally!"

"I will. I'm just scared for Raven. She told me, how her parents are. And what her father used to do to her. Apparently he hung her by her feet on a rope from the ceiling and whipped her with another rope."

I gasped. "Oh. My god. That's terrible! She's been gone for almost 7 months. D'you think she'll be ok?" I asked, nervously, sitting on the end of his bed.

"I fucking hope so! I really loved her. I really miss her. It- Neverland is not the same without her. It doesn't have the same feel about it. Her clothes are still through there." He gestured toward Raven's old part, sitting up and running fingers through his messy hair.

I looked over to where he pointed, and got up to have a look. I pulled away the flap, separating Peter's half of the tent from her old one. I'd obviously been in here before and Raven kept it almost spotlessly clean, and yet, it was trashed like a bomb had hit it.

"Peter what did you do?" I asked in shock.

There was a long, awkward silence. "I, um, I may or may not have lost my temper when Raven left." He mumbled, playing with his fingernail.

"Oh my God! I have no hope for you! I seriously have given up! I know you are going through a state of what seems to be major depression, but that," I said, pointing to the mess behind me, "that, Peter, is fucking extreme as shit!"

"I know! I know! I'll clean it!" Peter replied, in a breathy voice.

"You had better! Are you coming outside? Or are you gonna mope around in here for another day, making yourself feel worse?"

He looked like he was contemplating it. "I'll come out." And with thst, he confidently stalked past, me out of his tent. I followed him out, and saw all the boys staring at him.

"Pe-Peter?" Jack stuttered.


"You're like, outside! For the first time in 2 days!" Jack exclaimed.

"I know. I decided that it's time to stop moping bout Raven. She's in the past. I gotta move on and devote myself to keeping Neverland safe." Peter addressed the Lost Boys, striding over to them.

"Proud of you man, well done!" Said Riley, nodding at him.

"You boys doing anything today?" Peter asked, picking up a dagger, and throwing it at a tree and getting it in.

"We were gonna hunt." Called one of the boys.

Peter went to go and get the dagger from the tree, only to throw it again, "Mind if you have an extra hunter?" He asked, sounding like he was immensely concentrating.

"What, you wanna come too?" Asked Jack.

"If you'll let me? Sorry for being a dick. But now Raven is gone, I can focus on stuff we used to do before "

"Why wouldn't we let you come? You rule this island. Come on any hunt you want!" Exclaimed Jack.

"Ok." Peter paused, turning to face him, "Thank you. When are you going?"

"Now." Riley chipped in.

"Okey. I'll be right with you." Replied Peter, jogging over to the tree to get the dagger.

    ~~~~~~Time skip to hunt~~~~~~

Peter Pov:

I joined the Lost Boys on a hunt and it helped me get Raven out of my head. Even though I was still worried about her, with her father, I was sort of glad she was gone, even though I missed her. I missed her more than my Rumple.

I had told her that story, and she wasn't bothered. She just said 'As long as I have my Peter baby, I don't give two shits how old you are; you're perfect in every single way!' and that had made me feel so good about everything.

The boys and I went on a hunt, we hunted the birds, but I was also exceptionally good at hunting land animals. So I caught 2 animals that ever so slightly resembled, something like a pig? I don't know!

After 1 hour, we decided to make our way back and cook what we'd hunted over the large fire. That was done, and we ate it, but it tasted different, like what it tasted like before Raven, the one who was very good at knowing when how long was too long for meat over a fire. I could tell the rest of boys tasted the same as I did. But I did not let that stop me. I just got it over with and ate it, I was very hungry, I won't lie.

"How has your day been, Pan? In actual, human civilization?" Felix mused, jokingly, sitting next to me.

"Not too bad. Seeing as you only came to get me in the later part of the day, it could've been so much worse!" I chuckled back, looking at the sky, which was turning to a Royal blue colour with it turning dark. "I just, I wanna forget. You know? I just wanna forget everything that happened in the past!"

"I feel you. But, in all fairness, I can blatantly tell, you miss that gorgeous girl, so, much?" Felix placed a sympathetic hand on my tense shoulder.

"Yeah. I do. I wanna forget her. But I think I still love her, Felix. I can't get her out of my fucking head! Her hair, her eyes, he body, her curves, all of her. She was perfect in every way possible!"

"Yes, she was very beautiful. But you have got to move on! Move forward! The chances of you seeing her again, after what was said, are very, very slim, you know that, Don't you?" Felix said to me in a pretty stern tone of voice.

"Yeah," I said, wistfully, "yeah I know."

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