Chapter 3- Camp, Boys, first impressions.

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Peter Pov:

"BOO!" I crept up on the boys and scared them. They turned round and Felix and Jack were holding long spears covered in dreamshade poison. It's fatal if it gets into your system!

"Fuck, Pan. It's just you." Felix sighed, looking behind me. "Who's this?"

Looking behind me, I saw Raven standing shyly behind me, beckoning her over, I told them, "Boys, this is Raven Dennis! She's the new Lost Girl!"

I wound my arm round her shoulder, but felt her tense up. I released my grip and she stopped being tense. I knew better than to ask what was wrong.

Raven Pov:

This place was so cool! Not just Neverland, the camp, too. There was a fire. And it was the biggest one I have seen! Bigger than any I ever saw in the city back home! I used to live in Leeds in the UK and there were always teenagers hanging round alleys and on street corners with always fires. I never knew why, though. I always just, stayed out the way.

But these boys didn't seem to be like the kids back home. And the girls were bitches. I've lost count of how many times I got slapped and punched and went home with a black eye ot bloody nose and my parents really did not care. But they seemed to like me so far. They all looked like they really needed someone other than boys around. Like me, I guess. Not for being dirty, though. Just for being around.

"Hey!" I twisted my head so fast I almost cracked my neck. "I'm Devin!"

"Hi Devin. I'm Ra-"

"Raven, I know. I heard Peter say. So, how're you liking Neverland?"

"It's cool. I have never been anywhere like this, before. I used to live in a huge city. And there wasn't really anything like this within the city." I chuckled, nervously.

"We can show you round, sometime, if you want? Or did Peter already say he'd show you the island?"

"I don't think he did, but sure. That'd be cool, sometime."

There was a really awkward silence and then, "RAVEN! COME ON OVER!" I heard Peter shout. He didn't sound mad, he didn't look it, either. He looked happy.

So, I ran over and looked up into his peircing green eyes. They were almost, magical! "Yeah? What's up?"

"I'm just checking, can you hear this?"

I was about to reply when he pulled out a pan flute and began to blow into it. I could immediately hear the beautiful sound it made, I smiled with a wide smile.

"I sure can here it. And it sounds so nice!"

"Good!" He smiled back at me. He had such a perfect smile, if he could only do it all the time. He looked at the boys. "What do you think of my Lost Boys?"

"The one I net was really nice, Devin, was it?"
"Yeah, Devin's cool. He has the heart of a lion. He is genuinely one of the bravest boys in the camp."

One of the boys slumped over to us. He was exceptionally tall. Over 6'0! "Hi Pan. Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name!" Said the tall boy, looking me up and down.

Giggling, I replied, "I'm Raven. And you are?"

"Felix. Pan's best friend."
"I love the name Felix! I always thought it sounded so authentic!"

"Well, thank you. Do you want me to introduce you to the rest of the boys, Raven?" Asked Felix.

I contemplated this. I was very nervous. But I figured, what is there to be afraid of? If they don't like me, fine. But if they do, that's great. "Sure, why not!"

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