Chapter ten: Honey, I'm Satan with Better Fashion Sense.

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Hey guys! I have a different idea from this chapter! I don't know what it's gonna be yet but I have a brief idea. There are also mentions of abuse, self harm, methods and blood. Please, please PLEASE don't take any of it personally or get ideas. I'm here to talk if anyone needs.

I'll put a ⚠️TW start⚠️ and a ⚠️TW end⚠️

Love you all! ❤️❤️

Riley Pov:

It's been 5 days since Peter and Raven came back from their apparent walk, and since then, Jack has been acting really, really strange. Like, keeping his distance and not really talking unless he has to. Especially around Raven.

And he's been acting like a dick again to Raven. And she's been good. Not been listening, ignoring him and everything. Even though everyone can see he's really pissing her off. He pushed it, though, today. It was almost as bad as their last fight. Not quite.

"Hey, Peter?" Asked Raven, looking up from her hands.

"Hm?" Peter replied, while dipping arrow tips in dreamshade.

"How'd you get here?"

"That, is a story for a day when I'm not handling fatal arrows, love."

"Oh, ok." She replied. She didn't look sad. Or sound it, really. She just sounded intrigued.

"Maybe." Jack muttered, just a little too loudly. "Just maybe if you two had conversations instead of fucking twenty-four seven, you'd already know. Whore."

She turned her head so fast her neck cracked loudly. What. The. Fuck, did you just say to me?" She hissed, going red with anger.

"I said, If you two had actual conversations instead of fucking all the time, you'd already know how he got here."

"Ok then, if you are gonna be a twat about it, do you know how he got here."

That shut him up. "Uhm, uhh. I- umm"

I was watching carefully from a distance, listening to what I could of this conversation.

"Exactly. So shut the hell up, and stop acting so big and tough when you don't even know yourself." She replied, with a voice filled with malice. She sat back down next to Peter, rolling her eyes.

"Ok then," he called with a smug smirk on his face. "If you are going to be a bitch about it, I'll leave you and your toddler temper alone because I'm ever so scared of the teeny weeny baby who is ever so powerful!" He laughed while walking away.

"Do you want me to-" Peter started.

"Nope." She replied. " I'm so mad, right now, I could kill him."

"But, but you said-"

"I really do not care about what I said before." She spat. "Give, me, my, dagger."

"Raven," Peter started in an almost pleading voice. "Raven why do you want your dagger."

"I want my dagger because I want to eat it, Peter! Why do you think I want it?" She told him, sarcastically. "Fucking hell." She sighed. "If you won't pass it to me, I'll get it my fucking self." She bent down, grabbed her dagger and its scabbard, attached it to her belt, grabbed her cloak and put it on to hide her dagger and strode over to Jack, casually but with rage.

She spun him round by his shoulder, grabbed him by the earlobe and dragged him out of camp.

"What the fuck are you doing, you crazy fucking girl?" He said with a raised voice.

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