Chapter 6- After the Dark Sets In...

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Hey guys! I know I said in Chapter 5 comment ideas for Chapter 6. But I'm pulling an all-nighter so I thought, 'you know what? Might as well write chapter 6!' I'm making this one a smut. I'm sorry if it isn't great! I'm not very good at writing. But I wanna do it as a profession! Tell me what you guys think! I also think this might ve the longest chapter of all of them so far!

Love you all❤️❤️


Peter Pov:

It has been a week since I almost killed Jack. Him and Raven seem to get on now. A little bit better, at least! It's still a little awkward. Yesterday they almost started a fight. To be fair, Jack was testing Raven's patience with Felix, to see what she'd do. But instead of taking his behaviour, she began to advance towards him. She stopped herself, turned around, took a few deep breaths and walked away towards me.

Raven came and sat on my knee. I love it when she does this! It makes me feel special.

"I love it when you sit on my knee without me asking you to."

"Why Peter?" She asked, chuckling and hugging me while I hugged her back.

"Because it makes me feel like someone special."

"Huh? You mean to say to me, you don't feel special anyway? You are more than special to me! I love you and I always will!" She replied, kissing me.

"Hmm, ok. I guess if you phrase it like that, baby." I smiled, kissing her back smiling against her lips.

Some of the younger Lost Boys were really grossed out by Raven and I kissing. It's quite amusing to look at their reactions. They often look from a distance and giggle. Or, they look from a distance and get freaked out and look with disgust.

We don't kiss like that outside out tent very often, though. Only every so often. When they are not around, usually. We didn't do it at all today. Not outside, anyway. When she kissed me just now, it was only a small one. It lasted, but not movement.

Ok, well, I'm gonna go. See ya later!" She called out to me as she got up and jogged away towards Felix.

Raven Pov:

"Hey Felix!" I beamed. "What are you doing?" For some reason I was happy.

"Just got back from hunting. We found some good stuff. More birds. And, I honestly do not know how, but Devin scaled a tree and found a couple of apples."

"Wait, what? You're telling me, he falls over his own feet, yet he can scale up a vertical tree, and succeed?" I joked with Felix.

"Yeah! It's crazy! Wanna come help us, with these birds?"

"Sure! Maybe you won't overcook them, this time!"

"But, we don't normally do that, do we?" Asked Felix, clearly confused.

"Yeah. Just slightly. Haha!"

We wandered over to where they were. And the fire was. The boys had the birds over the fire, cooking them.

"Oh look! It's Raven! Can you really cook, or was this under duress?" Asked one of the boys, sarcastically.

"I can cook. Very well, actually. Watch out." I said, moodily as I ushered Riley out of the way to stand where he was.

Withing 20 minutes. Maybe less, they were done. And perfectly, I might add!

"Ok, ok. I take it back."

"Huh?" I replied, in the middle of eating.

"You. You're a pretty good cook."

"I know." I was being smug about it on purpose.

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