Chapter 8- A Little Bit of Brutality never hurt anyone. Right?

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Hey guys! I hope you like yhis chapter. It is a bit longer. And, I am so, so sorry if this chapter aggitates any readers! It does have abuse and mentions of methods of the abuse. If it does affect anyone, please comment and tell me. I'll put ⚠️ Tw start ⚠️ when it starts and ⚠️ Tw end ⚠️ when it's over.

But overall, I hope you guys like it!
Love you all!❤️❤️

Raven Pov:

This island is so beautiful! I'm not even exaggerating. I was on a hunt. The first one I'd been on. But I was alone. Bad move. I'd learned.

As I was walking through endless amounts of dense trees, I heard a twig snap behind me. Just like when I first got here. I spun around at such a speed, I almost knocked myself over. I knew about trusting your instinctual feelings about things. And I had an intense feeling I was being followed.

"Who, who's there?" I called warily but got no reply. Maybe I was imagining things? Probably.

I carried on walking, faster than before. I still felt like I was being watched. Intensely.

"Peter? Is that you?" My voice was rising, now. I was beginning to become terrified. I'd not been to this part of the jungle before but I knew how to get back to camp. "Ok, baby, you've had your fun, now. I'm really scared, ok? You win!"

'snap' another twig snapped.

I began to run back to camp. I should not have done that. Well done Raven. A man, about 6'2 seized me by the waist and threw me stomach-first over his shoulder. I began to pummel the man with my small hands in even smaller fists. I started to kick him with my legs.

"AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH! LET. ME. GO! FREAK! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" I began kicking him in the stomach and I was already hitting him in the back.

"Calm down, lass. Don't tire yourself out. You don't need to panic." He was surprisingly calm.

"I DON'T NEED TO PANIC?" I was so furious, I could hardly get my words out. "YOU JUST FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME WHILE I WAS ON A HUNT! LET ME FUCKING GO!"

"I'm gonna take this the easy route. No. I won't let you go."


"I'm no pervert. Just a hard-hearted pirate, lass."

I gasped. "A pirate?" I think I knew who it was. "I- I think I know who you are!"

"Who am I then, temper girl?"

"You, you're Captain Hook, aren't you?" I was almost whispering, now.

"Spot on, girl. Now, back to walking." He replied, striding on with me still kicking and screaming.

"Why are tou doing this, Hook?" I cried, tears falling.

"Because, little lady, I'm doing it because I can." I could hear from the tone of his voice, he was smiling.

"What, just because you are 1, a man, 2, over 6 foot tall you think you have all the power over me?" I asked, struggling with all my might to get free.

"Everybody has waited a long time for a girl in Neverland." He replied through gritted teeth, gripping me so tight, I could feel myself passing out slowly due to how tight he was holding me.

"How's you know I was here? And where I would be?" I asked, breathing very fast.

"The mermaids, of course. They told me. And plus, my men and I could do with a girl on the ship."

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