Chapter 12- The Feeling of Major Regret is a Bitch.

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Hey!! I hope y'all like this chapter!! I've been planning this one for weeks but didn't know where to put it! This is the right place to put it, I think!
Anyway, I hope you all like it!

Love you all! ❤️❤️

Raven Pov:

It was the day after I'd stormed off in tears after Peter had spoken his true mind. Now, I know why Jack is scared of him. He's ruthless, brutally honest and I don't know if he knows just what he's done.

I'd fallen asleep on the floor, curled in a ball, sobbing myself to sleep. I had woken up in the same position, I wasn't crying anymore but I'd cried so damn much my cheeks were still so sore.

I didn't know whether to go back to the boys or not. I missed them all. Even Jack! I missed them all except one. The one and only, legendary, Peter Pan. My boyfriend. My love. The very boy I wanted dead, currently.

Sitting up, I realized how much my head was hurting. It was throbbing with a headache so badly, everything I looked at was slightly fuzzy. I shut my eyes for a minute to calm it down and when I reopened them, I could see fine but my head still hurt. Not too much of a problem. When I stood up, I was about to walk down the side of the ledge to go and find the small lake of Neverland, its water source.

But, as I was about to walk down, I knew someone was watching me. And, to be fair, I was good at telling where the eyes were coming from. I looked around, and found where they were coming from. Behind the rock I'd been asleep next to.

"Why are you watching me?" I snapped, looking at who it was.

"Woah, woah, woah, chill, Raven! It's only me!" It was Felix.

"No! I won't chill! I'm so mad, right now. I'm mad with all of you, not just Peter. You are all the same!" I said, in a loud, deep voice. "Heartless." I hissed the last bit.

"Ok, ok, being heartless, is a big thing in our realm and most other realms. Because, as you know, we have the power to rip out peoples' hearts, and either, have it put back in their chest, leave them heartless, or, crush it and kill them."

"I know! When I say, heartless, I mean it as a figure of speech. But you don't care." My eyes were brimming again, thinking about the night before. "Has he said anything?"

Felix coughed and looked away. He mumbled something, I didn't catch what. "He thinks..." It was all I caught.

"Say that again." I demanded.

"Raven, please-"


"He said, if you didn't go back last night, he wasn't bothered. Then he said if you don't go back, ever, he's not bothered about that, either. He doesn't care. That's what he said, anyway. But I secretly think he does care. I think he misses you even though he's hating, right now. Even the younger boys knew something was up when you didn't come back last night. And it was one of the first nights, they stayed silent, when they went in. I think they were too stunned to cry."

"Oh." I said,. "Well, uhmm, I-" I was at a complete loss for words. That was until I broke down and sank down the rock, crying again. "Felix, I'm sorry I'm so, sorry." I said, my voice cracked through sobs.

He came and sat next to me, wrapping an arm round my shaking shoulders.

"Hey, hey, it's ok! Don't cry! I know what you did to Jack was far from right. But he's forgiven you! He said to me this morning when we all came outside he said that he's forgiven you and he would have done the exact same thing. He was being a dick. He admitted to that."

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