Chapter 19: An Old 'Friend'.

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Raven Pov:

Nothing made me happier than the thought of Peter. Although I haven't seen him in a long time. It's been almost a month and a half. (Not a huge amount of time, I know but it felt like ages)!

I was so happy with him. I've never been happier. I never will be happy again, like that, if I don't see him again. I hate this place. Why, did I not just stay in Neverland to fathom it out with Peter, instead of being a selfish bitch and insisting on Shadow bringing me back? I know Peter sent Shadow to check up on me, and he sent me that gorgeous letter.

He's not mad at me anymore. And I'm not mad at him! But I don't know if, I went back, if I'd be wanted there, by the rest of the boys. Because they're bound to know about Felix and I by now! Mabye Peter told them out of anger and spite? I was over thinking this way too much! Fuck. What is wrong with me?! Well, I grew up in an abusive household, my father was an agressive drunk, my mother didn't want me, and she almost left last week. I'm just all-round broken and I have nightmares every, single, night! I know that it's not my fault and that I can't help it, but everything is fucked. I can't take this shit anymore.

I walked downstairs, silently, as to try not to disturb my father, who was still asleep. My mother had gone out, I think she went to go and get some more cigarettes. How they afford alcohol, cigarettes and some drugs, yet they can't afford the upkeep of themselves, me or this house, will forever be a mystery to me!

When I got into the kitchen, I desperately looked in the cupboards for something for my father's breakfast, only to find dead spiders and nothing else. I was about to go back upstairs when I head him thundering down.

"RAVEN!" He slurred out.

I whipped around so fast, "Father! I was just looking for something for you to eat! I couldn't see anything!"

"You had better find something girl! I'm not cooking! Men do not cook. Women do. Now, find and make me food. Now!"

"Father!" I pleaded, trying to reason with him, "Father there is absolutely nothing in the cupboards, and the fridge is broken! So there js no food at all!"

"GO AND BUY SOME SHIT THEN!" He yelled at me, making me jump violently.

"I haven't any money, father." I reasoned.

"Steal it then. I never got caught nicking shite when I was your age."

"I don't steal. And even if I did steal, I wouldn't lie. I would say you told me to." I was losing it now. Just arguing back with him. Big mistake.

He stormed up to me, and shoved a rough hand around my neck, choking me so that I could scarcely breathe, "You do anything of the sort, you brat," he spat out, showering me with hungover spit, "and you won't be able to walk. I'll break those brittle little legs of yours and beat you so bad, you'll know what-for."

"O-o,ok. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I said shakily in a very raspy voice.

"Good." He let go of my neck and looked on the old, chipped table, under a bunch of old newspapers and bills. "There's £10 under there. Go get fiod for my breakfast, bitch."

I didn't say anything else, just grabbed the money, put on an old pair of shoes and walked out the door.

   ~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~

I was in the closest shop to the place I was supposed to call home, and I was just leaving the shop. I had bought a small carton of milk, bacon, bread and a small jar of coffée. It came to £9.45.

I was walking out of the shop, when I heard someone say my name, "Raven Dennis?"

I turned my head round, and saw a girl, around the same age as me stood there, "Do, I, um, do I know you?"

"Yeah! It's Ruby!" The girl replied, walking up to me.

I was kind of sceptical of her. I don't remeber her, "I'm sorry. I don't know who you are."

"I'm Ruby Lynch. We were sort-of friends in Primary School! I don't remember you in Secondary School though!"

Oh. Her. I remember her. She used to bully me until she decided that it wasn't right and started to stand up for me, "Oh. You." I said shortly, "Hi. I haven't seen you in ages! And I only did Primary. I didn't go through Secondary. I had, how can I put it? Home, duties." I rubbed my neck with my free hand awkwardly.

"Yeah. I get you." Ruby used to be so well-preserved, if you will. She used to be the most well-dressed, poshest kid on our whole estate. Now she looked just as poor, dirty and ragged as I did, "I know. I live next door but one to your family. We lost our old house. My parents couldn't pay for it. We live in the nasty part of the estate now. No offence."

"Oh, non taken! I totally fucking agree. It's bullshit. All I can smell is weed, and other bullshit all the time." I chuckled back, darkly.

"Yeah. I know. Hey, um, I know this is like, a really weird question, because I haven't seen you in just under 10, years or something, but like, are you ok? We here so many bloodcurdlingly loud screams and crying coming from your house. Even at like, 1:00 A.M."

I paused. I knew his house was paper-thin, but I didn't realise that almost everyone could here me getting abused every day, "Yeah. Everything is fine thanks." I muttered.

"That isn't what your face and lips are saying. You got a mirror?"

"I know. I look fucked up. My dad juat gets a little bit aggressive when he's drunk. It's fine."

"Are you sure?" Asked Ruby, looking concerned.

"Yeah. I'm fine. It's fine. Listen, I gotta go! My Father will be wondering where I am." And with that, I started to walk away from thay awkward as fuck situation.

"Oh. Um ok. Bye then!" Ruby called after me.

"Yeah. See ya." I called back.

I got back within 5 minutes, cooked my father's breakfast and made him coffée, and took it to him. He grunted for me to get out of his bedroom after I set it down next to him, so I did. I walked out his room and quietly shut the door, and walked to my room. To spend yet another day sat on my own, doing nothing. This is getting too much. Way too much. I miss Peter. So, much!

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