Chapter 20: Never Again is the End of It.

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HEY LOVELIES!!!! This is the last chapter!!!! 😩😩😩😆😆😆
I cannot believe how far this story has comw since I first started it! Ik it's not the best you guys have read, I'm still working on my writing skills!

This chapter is quite long, just a little heads up for you guys. Xx

I love you all so so so so so much! And hope you've enjoyed it all! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Raven Pov:

I hate this life. I say it daily. I get up, and say it, I say it throughout the day. And what makes it worse is I keep seeing that fucking Ruby Lynch. The day after I saw her at the shop, she came and knocked on my door. Now, as per usual, I was getting yelled at for doing absolutely shite all. And she apparently came to give us some bread. But then she started asking questions, such as, 'Where's Raven?' and, 'Is she ok? What is going on?' Like, bitch fuck off! Stop being so nosy in someone who you haven't seen since year 6's life!

So, my Mother answered the door and was all, nicey, nicey with her 'Oh yeah, we're really good thanks, Ruby, love how are you?' all that bullshit. Then the second the door was shut, she went back to yelling at me and slapping me about. I have fucking had enough of it all now! I just want to not live in fear. I mean, this hell-hole has been pretty quiet this afternoon. Because my Father went out last night, and, well, he's not back yet. My Mother's sat at the old, splintered table, having cigarette after cigarette and what seems like endless amounts of whiskey. She stinks of smoke and Jack Daniels Fire Whiskey. It stinks. So bad!

"Where's father!" I asked her, warily.

"Huh?" She mumbled back, coming back into a conscious state of mind.
"Where, is father? He hasn't been in all day!"
"I don't know, Raven. He went out last night and hasn't gotten back yet. Who was that lassy at the door before?"

"Ruby Lynch. From Primary."

"The one who used to bully you?" Mother grunted back.

"Yeah." I sighed. "That's the one."

"Ha! Served you right! Did she put you in your place?"

"Well-" I started, but got stopped, by a hammering on the door.

Neither of us said anything, Mother just walked to the door and opened it.

"Are you the partner of, a Jacob Dennis?" Said a police officer in a deep voice.

"Yeah. Yeah that's me. Why? Is he ok?" Asked Mother, pretending to care.

"Yeah. He's here. We found him passed out on a street corner around 40 metres from here, Miss."

"Oh. Let me guess, drunk. Again?"

"Yes, Miss. That would be the case. As usual." Sighed the police officer, gesturing to the other one to drag him in.

They brought Father in, and put him at the bottom of the stairs, as per usual, "Thank you. I try and stop him drinking so much! I really do! He just doesn't listen, does he, Raven darling?"

I looked at her, in disgust and confusion, "Eh?"

"We try and stop him drinking so much, don't we, Raven, my darling?" She said again, through gritted teeth.

"Oh! Yeah. Yeah. It's tragic. I don't want him to get alcohol poisoning! It'd be so sad!"

"Yes, it sure would." Muttered one of the police officers back, unconvincingly.

"Anyway, thank you for bringing him back, yet again!" Replied Mother, falsely.

"No problems Miss." And with that, they both left. After the door was closed, Mother turned to me, and back-handed the side of my face, very, very hard.

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