Chapter 14- You were such a huge part of my life. Now, you're just, gone...

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Jack Pov:

Peter and Raven were so close. Hell, they were deeply in love. And now, they aren't. And it's my fault. Because I was acting like a twat. I angered Raven, pushed her limits, knowing fine well the extent of her temper.

Peter is still very cold with me. But I know why and I know I deserve it. But it'd been over 5 days and none of us had seen Raven. And Devin and Riley had been out searching the whole island for her. But they found her nowhere at all. And she couldn't have gone back to her hometown, nobody could leave the island without Peter's permission and all he wanted was to talk it through with her.

Rhydian and the rest of the younger Lost Boys have stopped asking, and wondering where Raven is. They have obviously caught on that there is a running conflict between Pan and her. But, even though it's between those two, it's painful, for me at least to see Peter so down and sad.

And after Felix came back, the day they ended it, Pan said not one single word to him. Just onlooked, with a facial expression that said 'I'm going to kill you one day'. None of us know why Pan was so mad at Felix. Neither of them would say.

On the 6th day, (it felt like a lifetime since Raven left) I went to talk to Felix. "Hey, Felix. How's Raven? You are the only one who's seen her."

He looked up from the ground, looking sullen and miserable. "I don't know. I haven't seen her since thw day her and Peter broke up."

"Oh-" I started. "Wait, you've not seen her? Like, at all?"

"Nope. Do you think I would have a facial expression like this if I had done?" Felix said, sarcastically.

I sat down next to him, sighing. "Point taken. Point taken." I paused, looking at him. "I'm a massive fuck-up, aren't I?"

"Currently," Felix chuckled darkly, "yeah. Yeah you are. You are such a massive fuck-up, even Riley doesn't wanna talk to you right now." And with that, he got up, and stormed out of camp.

Felix Pov:

"RAVEN! RAVEN WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled, desperately. "PLEASE, RAVEN! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!" Nothing. Absolutely no sound apart from the rustling of the leaves in the trees.

I wandered through the trees and paths I knew well for 10 minutes or so, until I gave up. Again. I turned to go back, when I heard, twigs. Twigs snapping. And, someone hidden in the tall plants. I knew those bright eyes a mile away. Raven! I went to approach her, then she ran off, out of sight. So I chased her. I don't care at this point. She needs to talk to one of us.

I ran after her, and found her hiding behind a tree, sulking, "What?" She mumbled without looking at me.

"Please, Raven," I pleaded, holding out my hand, "please come, back to camp. Peter want to talk to you!"

She was ill-tempered. And currently, right now, she was highly enraged. I could hear it in thr way she was breathing. "No. He. Does. Not!" She spat, maliciously, glaring into my eyes. "Go away. I don't want to see anyone. Especially you."

This took me aback. "Why not? Please? Just, just give him a chance, Raven. All he wants is a civilized conversation!"

"Yes," she started, standing up so fast, she began to sway to the sides a bit, "he may want a 'civilized conversation' but I can tell you now, it'll become very messy very quick."

"Maybe. But can you at least, give him a chance? For me, please?"

"Fine." She huffed after 30 seconds, "but I'm not doing it for you!" And with that, she stormed off to camp.

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