Chapter Seven- The day after the dark set in...

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Hey guys! Sorry this has taken so long to come out! I've been working on it for ages! Hope you guys like it; it's not the best chapter I've written, I'll openly admit that!

Plz vote and comment wht you guys think! Love you guys!!!!❤️❤️

Peter Pov:

Raven woke up around the middle of the day. I'd only been awake for 3 hours before her. I checked on her a few times, but didn't dare go out to the boys. I don't know why but I was kind of nervous. In case they heard last night. No. That's stupid. I have had a screaming match with Hook in front of the boys' tents before and they didn't wake up.

I checked on Raven one last time before I headed out to see the boys crowded in a circle around something.

"PETER!" Called Jack. "Get over here! We gotta tell you something!" He was grinning crazily. Fuck. I know that look. On all of them. They know something.

"What have you done?" Was the first thing I said to them.

"Oh, no, we havn't done anything!" Chuckled Felix, looking away and shaking with laughter.

"Rhydian, what did they do?" I asked. He always tells me everything.

"They didn't. They said you did something, though." He was looking confused as all the older boys burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter.

Rolling my eyes, I strode past them and out of camp. I wandered down to the beach, where Jack and Raven had their most recent fight. They were doing pretty well so far, I must admit. They don't hardly talk, but they don't fight. It's a lot more peaceful around, now.

Not knowing why I'm down here, I sat on a log, looking out to the sea. Wondering how Raven is doing.

Raven Pov:

I woke up and Peter wasn't there. I grabbed my clothes from his floor and was about to put them on when I remembered what Peter said about Neverland's powers.

Closing my eyes, I pictured tight, black jeans, a black waist-cincer leather corset, shin-high boots and a black and red shirt along with a forest-green, floor length cape.

When I opened my eyes, there they were, dead in front of me. Exactly how I'd pictured them! I swiftly put them on and walked outside.

The second I got out, the boys looked at me. The older ones mostly. The younger ones looked at me like they were pleased to see me, the older ones looked at me like they knew something. I stormed over and came chest to chest with Riley.

"What," I took a dramatic pause, "have you boys done?"

"That's what Peter said! And we haven't done anything!" Riley replied with a laugh. "You and Peter did something last night, though!" He whispered the last part in my ear.

Stepping back, I began to flush pink. I could feel my face heating up, really fast.

"How the fuck do you know about that?" I hissed.

"Well, we got up in the night; 1, to go night hunting. 2, we heard screaming coming from yours and Pan's tent." He said, looking smug.

"You little-" I couldn't even finish my sentence I was so mad at them. Why the fuck would the listen to that? Like ew!

I ran out of camp, listening to the boy's laughing behind me. I ran, looking for Peter. After 5 minutes, I stopped leaning against a tree out of breath. Suddenly, it hit me where he might be. Where he first saw me. The beach.

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