Chapter two- A Strange Boy, in a strange place...

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Hey!! I know this is only the 2nd chapter, and little heads up, you might be on it for a while. It's quite a long chapter. ❤️

Raven pov:

I woke up on this small beach, in this place I don't know. I opened my eyes, and saw the bright, blue sky. I shot up and found myself covered in sand, in this strange place, with clothes that were slightly damp. But my hair was dry as dry can be.

Ok, do I know who I am? My name? My name is Raven Dennis. I'm 17 years old. All I remember was... Wait, what do I remember? Oh yeah, I remember, sitting, by myself, in my bedroom. I was keeping out of my parents' way; they were arguing. Again. I went to try and stop them, but my father slapped me across the face. And my mother told me 'Get out, Raven, this doesn't concern you!' She hissed it at me, almost!

So, I was sat in my room, tears falling from my face as I hugged my legs on my bed, I believed they would stop being toxic parents, and start to love me. So I'd whispered 'I believe'; I was about to whisper, 'they love me' but didn't get a chance. Before I knew it, I was flying through the sky, grabbed by a large, black figure. A shadow, if you will. We seemed to have arrived at the place I was being taken to, but I got no chance to take a look ahead of me as it dropped me into the water. So, I swam to the edge of the water, it was dark and I couldn't see. I got onto the sand, and passed out.

Now, it was light. I'm guessing it was morning. Taking in my surroundings, I got up from the sand, brushed it off me, ruffled my hair to get the sand out. I began to slowly and curiously make my way to the edge of this gigantic-looking forest. Or jungle. I don't know which one!

I must admit, it's gorgeous! I wonder if anyone lives here? Or has done in the past? But my real question is, where the fuck am I and how was that shadow flying, with no owner.

"It's like something from fucking Peter Pan!" I muttered to myself.

I suddenly scared the living crap out of myself by almost walking head first into a tree. I dodged round it and carried on walking. And walking. And walking. It was like this place never ended! But I did like the trees. They were gorgeous, evergreen almost. Thinking of back home, I realized how much I hate it and never want to go back. But even if I did, I don't think there is a passage off this, island. Not that I know of, anyway.

I'd been walking for ages, climbing up hills, down them again and just generally not knowing my way around like a lost puppy. Then, I came to a cliff edge. I stopped myself so abruptly I almost fell over. Looking down, I started to sweat a little. I didn't like heights.

"Glad I stopped when I did, good job, Raven." I had a habit of talking to myself in stressful situations. This was one of them.

I ran back down the hill and leaned against a tree, sinking to the floor. It was starting to get dark; I'd been here for hours when I suddenly sensed someone, or something watching me. I suspiciously looked up and around me.

"Hello?" I called. "Is anyone there?"

No response. I gave up asking when I heard a twig snap.

"OK!" I said, really spooked now. "Who the actual fuck is there, I know there is someone. Twigs don't snap on there own!"

Still nothing. Maybe it was an animal. I was about to put my head against the tree when someone emerged from the bushes. A tall, shadowy figure in a slightly dirty, long burgandy cloak with the hood pulled up. I could see it was a boy by what he was wearing. Shooting up from the floor, I clenched my fists, tightly.

"Who are you?" I questioned. But got no response. Instead, he advanced towards me. Due to instinct, I moved backwards, next to the tree.

"Don't run, please?" Asked the tall figure. His voice was deeper than I was expecting. But also kind of intrigued. I liked it.

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