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After spending most of the next morning unpacking, Nell decided she needed to take a break and head into town. Apparently, the Westview visitor centre did maps of the trails that surrounded the town, some of which were close to her home. It would be nice of a weekend to get out and about, especially autumnal and winter walks, but whether the snowfall or ice prevented that was beyond her. 

That was another thing she'd have to find out - what the seasons were like. 

It wasn't too far to walk, and she set off down the road that she'd come in by before seeing the signs that pointed her in the right direction, away from the lake that was at the end of town with the main road that ran by it, all of which were surrounded by pine trees and mountains. Apparently, Westview Pines had originally been a settlement for miners but had grown into the town after more and more people began to arrive there. 

Nell walked until finally reaching the main part of town. Shops ran either side of the street, each offering something different. There was an old fire house, a church further up, the school itself was located in the more residential streets that were just off of the main part of town, so it wouldn't take too long to get there travel wise. 

All in all, it seemed an idyllic and bustling community that drew in tourists just for its main attraction. 

The lake itself. 

Eventually Nell found the visitor centre and walked in, picking up a few brochures and guides. 

"Let me guess...Nell Harding, right?" Came a voice from the desk and she looked across, seeing a woman there. "Sorry, that probably freaked you out - I'm Maria by the way, welcome to the madhouse". 

Nell grinned and held up the brochures. "Just ensuring I don't get lost, and thanks - it's a far cry from the city". 

"I bet, how you settling in?" Maria leant against the desk and asked. 

"I need a break from unpacking, so I thought I'd come and see the town and try and find my bearings". She said, coming over to her. "I'm guessing you're the woman to ask". 

Maria nodded. "You got that right. There's a lot to do here. You been to Pines Bar yet?" 

"Not yet". 

"Is popular, most of the locals are there, at Christmas we have a Victorian Christmas fair, lot of stalls, hot chocolate, locals dressed up. It's beautiful, especially as we have snow usually". 

"I was about to ask what the weather is like". 

"Summers are hot, winters are snowy. That's all you need to know really". Maria chuckled. "The lake does ice over, but not thick enough to go skating on it, if you're into that". 

Nell smirked. "I can't even use rollerblades let alone ice skate". 

"4th July is a good one as well. They set off fireworks along the shoreline of the lake, we have yet another fair, barbecues going. You'll soon find we hold a lot of festivals for stuff like that - it just beings everyone together more so than we already are". Maria explained. "That and we kind of turn July 4th into a birthday party for Steve, which he absolutely hates". 


"One of our residents. He's on the force with Sam Wilson? You met him yesterday I believe". 

Seems like Fury had been right about everyone knowing everyone's business. 

"Oh, yeah - he was a nice guy". 

"All the boys on the force are. They don't just patrol here but other towns that are near and around the lake. It's mainly the ski resort town nearer the mountains that's the biggest. We don't get much crime here though, thankfully". 

Nell nodded at this. "That's good to hear". 

"Anyway, just go explore - Nat's cafe is down the road. She does the best hot chocolate in and around Westview and the nicest sweet treats if you like cake". 

"Who doesn't like cake?" Nell grinned. "Anyway, thanks - I'll go and have a little look around". 

"Enjoy! You need anything then you can find me here". Maria said as Nell now made for the door and gave her a small wave as she left. 

Walking out of the door she rounded the corner and collided with someone, sending her bag and its contents now spilling onto the sidewalk. "Oh balls, sorry!" She quickly apologised, seeing that out of everyone she could've walked into, it had to be an officer. 

"My fault, let me get those". He apologised and now crouched down to help her gather her things, putting them into the bag and then standing back up, finally handing her the last item. Her wallet. 

"Thank you, officer - sorry, getting used to the place". She apologised again, now feeling the heat in her cheeks as the embarrassment set in. He was nice looking, muscular if the short-sleeved shirt of his uniform was anything to go by. 

He now nodded, "You must be..." 

"Nell". She introduced herself. "Although you probably already know that". 

He chuckled at this. "News travels fast in a place like this. Steve Rogers". He introduced himself, holding out his hand for her to shake which she did. "And no, I don't make it a habit to walk deliberately into new residents in town". 

Nell now laughed lightly. "I should hope not". 

"How are you finding it?" 

She looked around and nodded. "A drastic change, but one for the better I hope". 

"You're teaching at Westview Elementary aren't you?" 

"Is that the only school in town?" 

"No, we have Deer Creek School which is the middle and high school on from that". He told her. "What grade you gonna be teaching?" 

"First" she smiled. "Big change from high schoolers". 

Steve now looked surprised. "High school, wow - how many years teaching that?" 

"Six" She winced. "So yeah, you can tell why I wanted a change - how long have you lived here?" 

"Eight years, although I was in Brooklyn before transferring down to here. Better work ethic here too. You know everyone, they're always friendly. Trust me, you'll like it". 

Nell wasn't what Steve had been expecting. He hadn't really been sure as to what he had anyway, but she seemed nice enough. Her auburn hair in contrast with her blue eyes made her stand out.
She was pretty enough - no doubt that Bucky would soon be planning another date for himself. How he managed to find women was beyond him, but he went to the other towns for the night life rather than keeping to Westview. 

If it wasn't Bucky, then she'd certainly not be short of offers from other guys in town wanting to take her out. 

"I should let you get back to work, I'm guessing you're on duty?" 

"Just started, but don't worry. I've usually got Agatha talking to me for a good hour if she manages to catch me". He chuckled. 

"I've yet to meet her, she left me a welcome basket yesterday, so I need to thank her". 

Steve's radio now went off and he looked at her. "Duty calls, it was nice to meet you Nell. Probably will bump into again, I mean...not literally..." He now corrcted himself. 

"And next time I will look where I'm going before turning a corner". She grinned back as he smiled and took the call on his radio. 

Nell turned and began to make her way in the direction that Maria had pointed her in earlier, glancing back and seeing Steve now glance back as he was still talking into his radio. Quickly she looked away and walked a little faster. The last thing she wanted him to think was that she was checking him out. 

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