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Nell perched on her desk the forthcoming Wednesday afternoon, listening and watching as Steve was giving a talk to her class, who appeared to be hanging onto his every word. He was informative, and yet made it fun for them so as they didn't get bored. 

He seemed to have his way with the children as well. 

So much that she hadn't even realised he'd stopped talking. "Oh, right...well children can we all thank officer Rogers for coming in to talk to us today? I'm sure that you'll be looking both ways when crossing the road with your parents on the way home". She asked and was met with a chorus of thankyou's before she told them to get their coats and bags, ready for the bell to sound for the end of the school day. 

"Thank you, Steve, I think they seemed to have taken on board what you've said, at least I hope so".  She smiled as he went to leave. 

"Not a problem". He nodded as the bell sounded. "See you at the fair this weekend". 

"You will", she said as he left and then went to the classroom door, the bell sounding not long after. "Ok! See you all tomorrow!" She called, opening the door and letting the children go. 

Steve watched as Nell let the children out, his patrol car parked outside of the school. At least he could also see whether the older children who walked home alone or with friends, were being safe.  

He glanced across to the classroom door that was in view and saw her standing there, chatting to a parent and smiling kindly down at the girl who was by her side. 

It was nice to watch an interaction such as this, now seeing her crouch down to the girl's level and talk to her with a smile. 

It made him smile. 

His radio now crackled, and the sound of Phil's voice came through. "Hey Steve, have you finished your talk with the school kids?" 

"Yep, just come out actually". 

"Ok, gonna need you in the next town over, got a suspected shoplifter". Even Phil sounded bored with it already. 

He sighed. "Sounds great, I'm on it", and started up the car. 

Time to get back to work.


John's shift had changed, which left the dinner they had planned unable to go ahead the next evening. Not that Nell minded, he'd been called in last minute. It was simply his job, so she had reason to complain. Instead, she decided to make the pumpkin bread for the fair and drop it off to Agatha for her to store until the weekend. 

The older woman had been grateful, inviting Nell in for coffee and the pair chatting about the town and what was in store for the weekend. She was actually rather interesting, and Nell could see why the kids of the town had made up rumours of her being a witch, what with her antique style decor both inside and out. Agatha loved Halloween and relished decorating the house just to please the kids and dressing even more witchy than usual.

On her way back through town, she walked along, feeling the drops of rain begin to fall before a complete downpour started. "Blast!" She cursed, not having an umbrella to hand and ran to take cover in the doorway of a shop.  A short while later, a patrol car pulled up alongside her, window sliding down and Steve looking at her as she leant to see who was inside. "Need a ride?" He called, seeing how cold and wet she looked. 

"Aren't you on duty?" She called back against the rain. 

"Just finished, jump in" He leant across and opened the door, Nell now running from the shop doorway and getting in. 

"Gonna get your seat wet" She looked a little guilty. "This is karma for me not taking an umbrella with me". 

Steve shrugged. "Weather can be unpredictable, it's just one of those days - don't worry about the seat". He told her and pulled away from the sidewalk, taking the direction towards her home. 

She sat back. "I was just dropping my pumpkin bread off to Agatha for the fair". 

"Weren't you supposed to be seeing John tonight?" 

"How do you know?" 

"He was telling a few people about it in the office". 

Well, more like broadcasting it within earshot of Steve, Bucky and Sam. Not that Steve cared in the slightest who Walker dated. It wasn't his place to have a say in that, he'd not been on date in years. If he did now, he supposed he'd be out of touch with how things were meant to go. Hell, he probably wouldn't even know what to say or even do. 

"Ah, he got called in last minute, hence the making of the pumpkin bread" Nell now told him.

Steve nodded. "Explains things". He turned into the road where Nell lived and minutes later, came to a stop in front of her home. "Here we are. Least you're not soaked through". 

"I probably would've been if I'd have carried on walking". She chuckled and then a thought struck her. "Hey, what are you doing now?" 

"Probably going home and sticking a meal for one in the microwave, why?" 

"You wanna come in and have dinner with me? Y'know, as thanks for not getting me any wetter than I was..." Then she mentally kicked herself at how that had sounded. "I mean...wow, ok yeah that sounded wrong! What I meant was..." 

Steve now laughed, and then after a moment's thought, nodded. "You don't need to thank me, but I suppose it'll beat an evening of watching the same reruns on TV". 

After all, what harm would it do? He needed all the friend's that he could get at this stage. 

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