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As Steve had expected, come Monday morning, John Walker was stomping around like a bear with a sore head. It was clear that Nell had told him not to expect anything more than friendship, but he was still pissed. 

"Looking strong John". Bucky called from his desk where he was demolishing a breakfast sandwich that Nat had given him on the way in.

"Shut up Bucky". John huffed; chair swivelling around so fast that Steve was sure it was the fastest that he'd seen John move during his whole time on the force. Then his eyes were on Steve. "What did you say to her?"

Steve looked up. "What are you talking about?" 

"The other day at the festival. What did you say to her?" 

"Other than to go enjoy her date with you? Nothing" He replied. 

"That's bullshit Rogers. I saw her talking to you" 

Steve slammed his pen down onto the desk. "there's this thing that's called 'friendship' and that's what Nell and I have - you may want to try respecting her decision and sticking with that if it's what she wants?" 

"So she did say something!" 

"I'm just taking guesses. It's really not that hard to figure out she doesn't want to be anything more than that, so I'd say just take what you can get". Steve told him, going back to his paperwork. He really wasn't in the mood for an argument with John at this time of the morning. 

John's lip now curled. "You think you're in with a chance". He accused. "You think that she'd go for you now that she's not interested in me". 

"Shut up John" Bucky snapped. "Steve's already said he's not interested in looking for another relationship".

"Oh that's right...dead wife wouldn't approve". 

Before he could stop himself, Steve was up and out of his chair, grabbing Walker by the collar and slamming him against the wall. "Say that again...I dare you..." 

"Steve". Phil had now emerged from his office and was looking at the pair of them. 

He let him go. "Stay out of my way, and you mention Sharon again? It's gonna be more than just me slamming your ass against the wall". Turning, he went to get his jacket and head out on patrol. 

"John, my office - now". Phil said and disappeared inside, John now following him in and closing the door behind him. 

Bucky got into the passenger side of the patrol car as Steve started it up. "Asshole...you ok pal?" 

"Fine" Steve said through gritted teeth, hands gripping the wheel. "I shouldn't have lost it like that..." 

"I'd have punched him square in the face after what he said. Nell's had a lucky escape". Bucky said as they started off. "Did you and her talk about him though?" 

Steve nodded, keeping his eyes on the road as they drove along. "A little bit. She was hesitant about the date; I saw her briefly the day after and she said there was no connection. Which is fair. It's not like she's said she doesn't want to know him altogether. She wants to stay friends". He wasn't about to tell Bucky they'd gone hiking along one of the trails together. He'd only start his friend off again about getting back in the dating game. The less he knew the better. 

"She's a nice girl. Walker's not her type, even I know that. Still doesn't give him the right to be an asshole about her decision though". 

"I know. She was worried about whether she was a bad person for doing it though". 

"Can't be as bad as me not texting half the girls I date back?" Bucky shrugged. "She told him the truth. Truth hurts, but you soon get over it". 

Steve shook his head to himself. "Something tells me that he's not gonna let this go". 

"You suggesting we keep an eye on her?" 

"Yeah, but just don't tell her that we are. We all look out for one another in this place, but even if Nell does know that - she may not want us to". 

Bucky nodded. "Like she said to me and Sam the other day. She doesn't need mollycoddling, but when it comes to Walker? I wouldn't take any chances". 

"Exactly, and if he's pissed off with her saying she just wants to stay friends? Then he's only going to try and change her mind". 

If Steve was honest, he was concerned for Nell. He just hoped that John would accept the rejection and move on. At least he'd have Bucky keeping another pair of eyes on her. The people of Westview Pines looked out for their own, and Nell Harding was well and truly one of them. 

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