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The snow had begun to fall thick and fast, the lake freezing over providing the wintery backdrop for Westview Pines that made it look even more magical. Strings of icicles hung from the branches of trees, gutters of houses. This was the time of year where the visitors came in droves to spend the holidays, especially the ones who were staying at the ski resort.

At this time of year, the town was quite a sight to behold, especially the creek under a blanket of white.

"Well, would you at that..." Steve said as he looked out of the window one morning, coffee to hand. Outside a Robin was making tracks in the snow that had settled on the balcony rail.

"Guess I should get out the Christmas lights soon" Nell smirked, already the town had theirs up in preparation for the holidays as well as the Victorian Christmas fair that would be happening in a week's time. "And actually buy a tree"

"I'd let you borrow mine, but its pretty much burnt out with the rest of my stuff". He shrugged. The insurance had covered the house and come spring the rebuild would be underway. With current circumstances, he didn't know whether he'd be moving back or maybe even selling. It would be a new everything. No memories. If he and Nell
Did work out perhaps she could move in with him? But then again she might not want to leave the home she had now.

He looked at her. "How about we go pick one out this weekend? There's a Christmas tree farm not too far from here."

She smiled broadly. "That actually sounds amazing - I remember I only went once when I was a kid. My mom hated it and ended up making my dad buy an artificial one from the store the next year".

"Funnily enough, Sharon actually hated the thought of having a real tree, I just thought it would make the time of year more authentic". He said and then stopped, thinking about how casually that had come out.

Nell had sensed this too. "Hey, it's ok, talking about her is good. A step forward". Now rubbing his arm comfortingly.

"You don't mind me talking about her?"

"Steve, she's your wife. She was special to you, so why not talk about her? It doesn't bother me, I understand".

He kissed her head. "How are you so amazing?"

"I'm nothing special".

"You are to me".

She leant up and kissed him. "Wanna go for a run now? Might be a bit bearable at this time". Glancing at the clock that said 8am.

"Sure, let me just check some emails from work and we'll head out". He told her, watching as she went to get changed into her running gear.

Usually the paths were slippery early morning, but the route they had been taking was mostly covered by trees and brush. Apart from being a little muddy it was fine as well as scenic by taking them along creek.

Once he'd replied to Phil about the Christmas schedule, he went to get changed, the pair setting off on their jog that had become a ritual. They'd get up, jog, come back and shower (sometimes that was the best part) before Nell would make some hot chocolate or coffee, sending Steve on his way with something wrapped up for breakfast, then heading to work herself.

It was amazing how they'd established something like this in such little time. Neither complained though.

They jogged along the trail, Steve stopping and helping Nell down some parts that were tricky or a little slippery. Other times they stopped just to take in the scenery.

The water in the creek had frozen over, but the ice was glinting as the winter sun hit it through the trees. It was calm...

Steve stopped and held up his hand. "What is it?" Nell asked, having almost crashed into him.

"You hear that?" He asked

She listened hard, hearing something faint. "What is it?"

Already Steve was now looking around. Nell beginning to do the same. She searched between bushes and then saw something by the creek. "Steve!" She yelled and quickly headed towards the small blob.

"Shit". He said, seeing her pick up a very dirty and small puppy. It's fur wet and the poor thing shaking from the cold.

"It was trying to lick water from the creek, it's freezing". She said, taking off her scarf and wrapping the puppy in it. "Do you think there could be more?" She asked and now looked around for any signs of a litter that could have been abandoned. It was clear this one was.

"I'll take a look, stay here". He said.

Nell poured some water from her bottle into her hand and the puppy began lapping it up. It looked like a border collie, a black and white one, however the white had been dirtied by the mud in places. Undoing her jacket, she held the puppy close and zipped the jacket up again to keep it warm.

Steve now came back from searching. "Just a box and blanket. No sign of others thankfully, they'd have been in there otherwise.

"People are cruel, look at it".

"We need to get it to Pepper, she's the vet in town so she'll be able to help it". He said, now leading her back to the house where they could grab the car and take the poor animal to get proper help. "Geez, look at it. It's literally shaking from the cold". He said, seeing the shaking face of the puppy peeking out from Nell's jacket. "We're gonna get you some help bud". He let the puppy now sniff his hand and weakly lick it.

Getting back home, they jumped into the car and headed for Pepper's, the vet ushering them in on seeing the state of the puppy.

Steve and Nell sat in the waiting room, anxiously hoping that they hadn't got to the animal too late.

"There are some right assholes in the world..." she said quietly. "Dumping a puppy in the middle of nowhere and in the freezing cold".

He sighed. "I'm just glad there weren't more. I sent a text to Bucky and he went down to the area just to double check. Came up with nothing so it's just the one".

Pepper soon came out from her room and smiled. "It was his lucky day with you two finding him. He's weak, but I think we'll keep him in for observation to see how he eats and drinks. We've given him the usual tablets and some injections to help fight any infections he may have picked up".

"Thank god". Nell sighed and felt Steve squeeze her hand. "Then what will happen to him".

"Well he needs a home with owners who will give him the love and care he deserves". She smiled knowingly.

Steve and Nell looked at one another. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Nell now asked.

"I think I am, your house, your call". Steve said, leaving the ball in her court. "I mean, if we were to take him, I could train him up to be on the force. We've been talking about getting another dog for the job for a while".

Nell thought for a moment and then looked to Pepper, making the decision.

"We'll take him".

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