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The next day while Steve had gone into work, Nell headed for the pet store to get everything needed for the puppy's arrival. She found a suitable space to set everything up. It was more like a playpen but would hold him for the nights until he got bigger and was trained. She'd brought toys, treats, puppy pads, a bed, literally everything she'd researched up on raising and training a dog.

And it was going to be hard work.

Whilst she was at work, Steve would take the puppy with him so he wasn't alone, from then on it could be trained up and put to work. 

He would never be alone that was for sure. Nell knew that everyone at the Sheriff's office would be giving him attention.

The puppy would be allowed home on the Tuesday and Steve had said he'd collect him on the way back from night shift.

Once he was home that afternoon, they sat by the fire trying to think up names.

"Bucky thinks we should call it Bucky, for obvious reasons". He smirked as he put his arm around her and pulled her close, adjusting the blanket so it was over them a little more.

"And I suppose Sam wants Sam?"

"Got it in one"  Steve smirked, watching the flames of the fire dance between the logs.

Then it hit him.

"What about Erskine?" He now said.

Nell looked at him. "I like it! It's different", and then pulled up a picture of the puppy that she'd taken before they'd left the vet surgery the day before. "He looks like an Erskine".

"Well then, that's settled". He settled a little more, unmuting the show they'd been watching so as they could discuss the names. "Least the little guy's gonna have a good home. Pepper let me know earlier he's made progress. Eating and drinking, he's a little stronger than yesterday and after she cleaned him up, he looks brand new".

"I suppose he is, he's only little. How old does she think he is?"

"At least 8 weeks, maybe a little younger but she thinks he's around that". Steve replied. "He's got us now, he'll be fine".

"Do you think we're doing the right thing? Taking on a puppy this early in our relationship?"

"It was that or he'd be up for adoption. It would pose a risk for someone taking him and maybe not offering him as loving of a home as we could? We can't think like that though, I don't want to".

She nodded at this. "No, you're right...I guess I just wondered whether people would think we're mad considering they don't even know we're dating - well, Bucky does at least".

He turned her head and kissed her. "We will be fine, and as for people not knowing? Do you want them to?"

"They're gonna find out eventually, and when they do it'll be around the town in under an hour".

"So then let's give them something to talk about at the Christmas fair next week" He looked a little devilishly at her. "We can't hide it for much longer, especially when Sam finds out".

Nell laughed at this, knowing that Sam would be the one to blab to everyone around that his friend was finally back in the dating game, Bucky also encouraging it. "Okay then".

He checked his watch. "Probably best we go grab a tree today, the pup's thrown the weekends plans up in the air"

"I'll get my coat".


Getting the tree had been a fun experience, however they'd managed to get it back and place it in the corner of the living room that worked the best.

"Maybe this weekend should be dedicated to decking this place out - for a start we need to go get the things to hang on it, plus the Christmas lights need to be hung outside". Nell suggested.

"You're not getting up a ladder in this, I'll be the one to do that part". Steve insisted, not wanting to come home and find Nell lying on the ground because she'd slipped.

"I'm perfectly capable of..."

"Nope, my job". He shook his head.

She leant across and kissed him. "God I can't wait to start making gingerbread men and Christmas cupcakes, the kids are gonna love them".

"So am I" he smirked, "Sam is demanding you send in a batch by the way".

"I'll decorate them as Christmas cops". She grinned and stood back to look at the tree. "Despite everything? This is gonna be a great Christmas..."

He slipped his arm around he'd waist. "You know what? For the first time in years I think I can say that too.

And he could. It would be the first time he wouldn't be alone. 

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