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There was a chill in the air as Nell set off one morning, jogging along one of the trails she'd mapped out with the help of one of the brochures from the visitor centre. She wasn't starting work for another week yet, wanting to get the house sorted first. Mr Vision was accommodating when it came to this and had agreed that she could take a week or so before starting with the school.

Nell had never had time or reason to jog when she had lived in the city. There weren't many places to, and by the time she'd get home and sorted from work, darkness was falling and the likelihood of getting attacked whilst out was high. She wasn't going to risk that, and instead had used her running machine, selling it once everything for the move to Westview Pines was set.

She enjoyed her morning jogs so far, and was making the most as autumn was setting in. Come wintertime she'd simply go for walks. There were plenty of trails around to do so.

She kept a steady pace, jogging through the trees and bracken until she came out along the trail that ran by the lake. Now she'd be able to circle back but first it was time for a drink.

As she stood there and savoured the water, she took in the view. It was calm, the trees turning the shades of gold, burnt orange, reds and yellows. Taking her phone out, she snapped a picture before catching sight of someone jogging along the trail towards her.

Squinting, she recognised that it was Officer Rogers and now as he came closer, he slowed and stopped by the time he'd reached Nell.

There she was looking like a panting mess while he hadn't seemed to break a sweat now she thought about it.

"Morning". He greeted her as she smiled

"Good morning, didn't think I'd be seeing anyone else out and about at this time?"

He shrugged. "I usually get a jog in, even I've been on the night shift, it's kinda just coded itself into me".

"You've been on the night shift!" Nell exclaimed in some disbelief.

Steve chuckled, "thankfully not last night - today's my day off so I don't wanna waste it".

"Well, I commend you for getting up this early on your day off. If that was me then I'd still be snoring away in bed...I mean, I don't actually snore, but you know what I mean". Now she was mentally kicking herself for sounding like an idiot.

He nodded, "I know what you mean. How are you settling in? You're up by a Deer Creek, aren't you?"

"I am, it's better than I imagined it to be".

"Funnily enough I had the same feeling when I came here". He now looked out onto the lake and then back at her. "Have you had a chance to stop off at Nat's coffee shop yet?"

"I've heard good things, but I've been so busy getting unpacked and settled that I haven't had a chance to go in there yet. I'm slowly trying to tick off everything I've seen in town though".

Steve looked at his watch. "I was just about to head there if you wanted to come".

Nell smiled and nodded. "Okay, I'd like that..."

They made for town, choosing not to jog, but walk instead. "Be careful out on the trails in winter. sometimes the exposed parts can become icy. There's a couple you should avoid altogether - people still use them but really, they shouldn't. Unfortunately, we can't close it off or stop everyone".

"You'll have to tell me which ones then. Last thing I want is a broken foot or something".

Usually, any tourists that are here around Christmastime we usually educate on it, especially if they're here for the hiking. Most of them come to ski though". Steve explained as they walked along the streets that were quiet. It was a Saturday morning, so no one was really up and about yet apart from shops like Nat's that were open from 8am.

"Do you ski?" Nell asked. At this point she wouldn't be surprised if he did - and that was just judging from the biceps.

"Never really appealed to me". He told her, "Which is kinda hilarious considering we're in the mountains, but I've never really thought about trying it".

"Too busy?"

"That, and I have other hobbies that I prefer".

She looked to him. "What kind?"

"Sketching, actually". He told her, "If I hadn't joined the police department then I'd have probably ended up going to art school".

"What kind of things do you sketch? People? Animals?"

He shrugged. "A bit of everything really, haven't done it for a long time though - seemed to lose inspiration if I'm honest - maybe one day it'll come back to me again".

Since Sharon's death, he'd not picked up his sketch pad, choosing to just put it away. It was like all creativity had died with her. His wife had never really been into drawing herself, but she'd liked what he'd produced. Now they just sat in his pad, locked in a box with all of his pencils and whatnot - his focus turning to his day job.

"Inspiration always hits when and where you least expect it to. It will come back, and when it does? You won't be able to stop".

Nell Harding was probably the most optimistic person he'd met, with the exception of Agatha who was as mad as a box of cats - but that was a different kind of optimism altogether.
The local kids had seemed to have got it in their heads that she was descended from one of the witches of the Salem witch trials, and it had seemingly stuck, with the woman dressing like one every Halloween just to get people in the mood and scare them. Steve had to hand it to her, that she was entertaining and did a great job. Tourists and children alike loved it.

"I'm not sure, I mean I hope it does, but who knows" he shrugged as they neared Nat's. "Other than taking things outta boxes currently, what do you do when you're not being teacher?"

Nell laughed lightly. "Grading papers and homework, and when I'm not doing that? I guess I like to read. I'm not much for going out drinking with a group of friends, I'm past that point now even if some of my friends still think they're 22 instead of 32".

"I know how you feel, it's like when you hit mid twenties that's it - all partied out".

"Were you much of a party boy then?"

"God no, Bucky always used to try and get me out but when I did go? I never really enjoyed myself. Nowadays I just have one beer at Thor's and then head on home to bed by ten".

"Now that actually doesn't sound too bad". Nell nodded her approval as they walked into Nat's. A red haired woman was behind the counter and now smiled as she saw Steve, eyes then falling onto Nell.

"Morning Steve, and you must be the new teacher I've been hearing about - toon you long enough". She smirked.

Steve chuckled. "Nell's been busy trying to get everything in order - she'd have made it here eventually".

"I'm kidding, same as usual?" She looked to Steve who nodded, before turning to Nell. "What can I get you?"

"Just a latte please".

"Pumpkin spice? Or I've got maple hazel?" Nat gave her the choices of drink.

"Maple please". She said, getting out her wallet.

Steve stopped her. "On me".

"In which case of ever we do this again then it's my turn to pay".  She told him, not wanting to feel like a charity case as she was the new girl in town.

Steve thought for a moment and then nodded.  One coffee wouldn't hurt, even if it would raise talk between his friends, however they knew of his promise to himself and if he was honest it was better that way. "Alright then, you've got a deal".

The Lakes (Steve Rogers AU)Where stories live. Discover now