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"Nat told me that you went for a run with the new teacher the other day - Nell". Bucky clicked his tongue after rolling her name off it, just to annoy his friend. The pair were currently sat in their patrol car on a lunch break. They'd been called on an incident at one of the ski resorts that morning, and by the time they'd finished it was past their lunch.

"We met while on a run, there's a difference". Steve corrected him.

"Whatever, but I'm interested to know what you guys talked about, Nat said you were sitting outside the cafe for a while".

Steve wasn't about to launch into the fact that they had actually talked about everything. Nell was interesting to talk to, well educated, she liked to read almost as much as he did when he actually had time to. She'd used to teach high schoolers before wanting to venture in a new direction. He didn't blame her for that. She somehow seemed to just blend well with small town life. He couldn't imagine her living in the city.

He shrugged. "Well I wasn't going to just be impolite and leave".

"Sure pal". Bucky smirked as Steve finished his food and started the car. "Why don't you just give things a chance? You think Sharon would have wanted you sat in the house all alone moping".

"I don't 'mope'". He gritted his teeth as his grip on the wheel tightened. "You don't understand..."

Bucky sighed, "I'm not trying to push you, but a date here and there wouldn't do you any harm. Sharon..."

"Stop bringing Sharon into this Buck". Steve now snapped. "She's dead, gone, she doesn't have a say as to what I should do or how I should live my life!"

Silence fell between them and Steve now regretted his outburst. "Sorry..."

"No, you're right. I shouldn't keep bringing it up - I just want you to be the Steve I used to know".

"He's not there, hasn't been for a while".

The radio interrupted them, asking to attend an incident and the conversation was over. Well, until the next time that Bucky chose to bring it up.


"Hiya hun!" Agatha trilled as Nell walked into the store and brought her groceries to the till. "Getting real chilly out there huh?"

"You're telling me". Nell smirked, "thought I'd stock up before I start work tomorrow".

Agatha grinned as she scanned the items and popped them in the bag. "They're lucky to have you, you run outta anything then you call and I'll scoot them on up to your place".

"That's kind of you, thanks". Nell said, tapping her card on the machine to pay and taking the bag. "Oh, also I saw that everyone needs to bake something for the fall festival? Or am I imagining it?"

"They usually do! But I think we can let you off this year!" Agatha grinned tightly, "but if you did then all the bakes are dropped off here and then we lay them out to sell".

"Well then, I think I'll take a bash at it, and if I fail then you'll soon know about it, see later!" Nell waved as she headed out of the store and to her car, fumbling for her keys.

"Want me to take those while you find what you're looking for?" A voice now asked and she looked up, seeing a blonde haired man smiling at her.

Nell smiled. "Oh, thanks", passing him the grocery bag.

"You must be Nell. Im John. I work at the local police department". He introduced himself.

"Is there anyone in town who doesn't know who I am?" She smirked and took the groceries back from him. "Nice to meet you, you work with Steve?"

He nodded. "I do, he's a nice guy..."

Nell frowned. "Why do I sense a 'but' coming on?"

John shrugged. "Just...guy's got a lot of problems. Lost his wife a few years back and hasn't been right since then".


Nell hadn't known that - well of course she wouldn't have. Steve wouldn't have spoken about a dead wife upon first meeting. It wasn't a conversion starter for sure.

"Oh...wow, that's bad - was she ill?"

John shook his head. "Went swimming out on the lake one morning, back when we allowed swimmers on there. Dived in and apparently smacked her head on a rock, she drowned. Some kids found her - whole thing rocked the town and Steve? Well he hasn't got over it". John shrugged. "Grief makes people act in strange ways".

Nell smiled. "He doesn't seem strange to me".

John shrugged. "Guess it's just what some of us see, but he's a nice guy all the same - don't tell him I told you about his wife. He hates talking about her..."

"No, no I won't- anyway I don't know him well enough, nor am I the kind to ask".

He smiled at her. "Well, I should get going, if you ever need anything then just call". He now handed his card to her from his pocket.

"You go around giving these to all the girls you talk to?" She smirked at the card and put it in her pocket

"Just the pretty ones".

Nell laughed lightly. "Well, perhaps one evening we could have a drink. At the bar? I've yet to go there but people are saying it's good".

"The towns meeting point really" John chuckled, "you get everyone in there after a long day - how about Friday night? I meet you there at seven and we have a few drinks? Celebrate your arrival".

She thought for a moment and then agreed. There was nothing for her to lose from a few drinks anyway. "Ok then".

John now took his notepad from his jacket and wrote his mobile number down, tearing the paper off and passing it to her. "Now this I don't give out often".

"I'll be sure to call you on that rather than your work line". She smiled and got into her car, "see you Friday".

Come the end of the week, she would probably be in need of a drink or two.

The Lakes (Steve Rogers AU)Where stories live. Discover now