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Sleep was a little hard to come by for Steve over the couple of weeks that passed. The smouldering remains of his home a constant reminder of what he'd lost as he drove to work every day. The insurance would cover the rebuild, but he had nothing left to even salvage. His life up in smoke and now having to rebuild everything from scratch. 

Everything had simply been erased. 

Sam and Bucky's instincts about John heading for Nell's had been corrected. He'd been found with cans of gasoline, ready to pour around the home and after a standoff, threatening the others that he would shoot - had been shot down on firing his first bullet. 

It had been something in terms of the fact that Nell was now safe from harm, but for Steve? There would never really be in any justice. 

Even though he was on day shifts until further notice, he always found himself rising at 4am instead of his usual 5-6am call. He'd go jogging and then get back just as Nell was up and readying herself to head to the school. She'd been kind to him, more so than he thought she should be, seeing that he actually ate properly, voicing her concern if he looked a little distant. The day after the fire, she had taken it upon herself to go out with Bucky to buy him clothes and favourite books that he'd read or had told her about. If he got home from a shift then she would always have made him something to eat, whether she was still cooking it or if she'd put it in the microwave so he could reheat it. 

Once he was back on track, he would need to make it up to her. 

Now, as the autumn sunshine shone down on the town one Saturday afternoon, Steve was coming in from work when he could hear coming from the kitchen. 


Walking in, he saw Nell with a mixing bowl in the crook of her arm, dancing around the kitchen to 'Disco Inferno' that was playing on Alexa. She let out small yelp as she saw him and then quickly muttered "shit" on realising the choice of song. "Alexa! Next song!" There was panic in her voice. 

Unfortunately for her, Spotify was doing her dirty and now began playing 'Sexual Healing', Steve cracking up with laughter as she now told the device to shut up. "Wow..." was all he could say. 

"I... sorry, that was a real poor choice of song considering what happened". She apologised. 

Steve brushed it off. "I'm not offended in the slightest, buuuuut I am more interested in the fact you like Marvin Gaye". 

Her cheeks flushed a little. "I can be an old soul when I want to be". 

He smiled at this. "Nothing wrong with that - I'm partial to a bit of Marvin myself". 

On this she looked a little surprised. "You are? I thought it was just Sam?" Now this was something she wouldn't have put Steve down as. Then again, she hadn't really known what kind of music he listened to - until now.

"It's what Sam and I bonded over when I first arrived". He told her. "You baking?" 

"I am" She smiled. "Caramel apple muffins". Now putting the bowl down and putting some on a spoon. "Taste this, tell me what you think?" 

Steve took the spoon and tasted the mixture. "Ok, if the mixture tastes this good then I need to taste the muffins for myself". 

"Not too sickly?" 

"No way, just the right amount of everything you've got there". He told her. "I wouldn't lie". 

Nell scooped the mixture into the muffin cases and put them into the oven to bake, then turning the music back on, the sound of 'Blue Ridge Mountains' by Fleet Foxes now filling the kitchen. "Oh, and I picked something up for you earlier. I thought it might help with everything that's gone on, but if not, then please don't think me insensitive ". 

"Nell, I'd never think that of you" He said, "I'm sure whatever it is, I will like...I'm gonna hit the shower". 

"Ok, I'll let you know when the muffins are ready" She smirked. 

"Oh you'd better". He warned, making for his room and seeing just what she'd brought him set on his bed, along with a note. 

A sketchbook and some pencils...

He read the note she'd left him. 

Steve, saw these and thought that perhaps sketching would take your mind from everything. I know you told me you haven't done this in a while, but it is here if you need it as a form of escape. 

Sketch your memories. 

Sketch your heart. 


He felt a small smile appear on his lips as he picked up the pencils and book. 

It really was the kindest gesture he'd received from the many that he'd had since the fire. 

"Hey, Nell?" He called out. 

"Yeah?" She called back. 

"Thanks...I mean it..." 

"What are friends for..."  

Steve looked at the sketchbook in his hands. Clearly, they were worth more than he'd first anticipated.  

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