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"I'm telling you! That's the reason why he keeps that massive hammer mounted behind the bar!" Sam insisted on Friday night as he, Bucky and Steve were sat at a table drinking after finishing their shifts. "He's like Mr Krabs from SpongeBob, gotta keep that old Asgardian Ale formula locked up, or it's hammer time!"

Bucky and Steve sat there looking a little blank faced, with the first simply asking. "Are you finished now?" Before returning to nurse his beer. His eyes noted the door to the bar as it opened, and John now walked through it. "Oh great, my Friday night just got better". There was a small glare upon his face. Sam having dubbed it the 'Walker glare'.

Steve simply shook his head, "just ignore him Buck". He wasn't exactly a fan of Walker either and usually made no attempt to talk to him unless he really had to. The guy was up his own ass in his opinion. He always tried to better Steve, so it seemed, whether there was jealousy there was something he didn't know - but there was something about John Walker that didn't sit right with him. Anyway, every force needed an asshole and John Walker was theirs. He was pretty sure that even Sheriff Coulson agreed, though he'd never admit it out loud. Coulson could be savage when he wanted to be, although looking at the man you would never think it.

Perhaps that was why he and Steve got along well.

Nell walked into the bar, immediately seeing John there and smiling as she walked over. "Evening". She greeted him.

"Evening, you look nice". He said, eyes looking her up and down as she perched on the stool next to him.

"Thank you, it's been a long day though, so I apologise if I look a little tired. Were you working today?"

He shook his head. "Had the night shift last night but I'm back on the early tomorrow morning. You look great, tired or not - can I get you a drink?".

"A wine would be amazing, please".

"Coming right up". He said and then called Thor over to take their order. "You've met Nell, haven't you?" He now asked the bar owner.

"Ah yes, Nell, I haven't yet had the privilege". Thor now said, cracking open a beer for John and pouring her wine into a glass. "Now's the right time to show you, my hammer!"

Nell blinked, wondering what the hell he meant. "I'm sorry?"

"Look!" Thor pointed to the rather weird but threatening looking hammer on the wall.

"Oh...that's erm...big?" She now replied, a little bemused.

Another man joined them at the bar. "Johnathan". He stated and looked to Nell. "That's what I call it anyway. This guy hates it".

"Because it's not called Johnathan!" Thor bit back with some irritation to his voice.

"Scott Lang" The man now introduced himself. "Nice to finally meet you".

Nell nodded at this. "You too".

"I was the new guy the other year, look at me now!" He grinned, "anyway, I'll see you around". and waved cheerfully as he went to sit back down at his table.

John let out a small 'heh', watching and then turned back to the bar and Nell. "Guy is a former convicted criminal"

"What? What did he do?"

"Robberies, got out on good behaviour and says he's done and wants to move on. I've got my eye on him though", He said. "He owns the hardware store".

"Is that where 'Johnathan' came from?" She smirked and cocked her head to Thor's mounted hammer.

John laughed at this. "No, apparently the hammer is a family heirloom".

"He ever used it?"

John shrugged, "If he does it needs to be for good reason, otherwise we'll be confiscating it"

Compared to John, Thor looked like a body builder, and Nell began to wonder whether the guys at the police department were even capable of getting it off of the wall before the bar owner would probably body slam them or something.

Then again, Steve worked out...

Nell took a sip of her wine, glancing around the bar and then seeing that Steve was there with Bucky and Sam. He simply nodded a silent acknowledgement to her before returning to his conversation. Sam now turning and then quickly looking back as though he'd seen nothing.

She frowned and resumed her conversation with John, the pair talking about work and the life in the city. John himself was divorced and had moved to Westview pines some years before that.

He looked at his watch come 10pm. "I should be heading back, early start tomorrow".

"No, of course" Nell smiled. "Well, I had a nice evening, we should do it again".

John agreed. "How about next Thursday? I think that's when I'm not on the night shift. I could take you for dinner in the next town over, it's pretty nice, mainly touristy but that's because people go for the skiing".

"I'd like that".

"I'll call you". He grinned and shrugged his jacket on. "Goodnight Nell".


The wine had woken her up slightly and she ordered herself another glass, drinking it and then deciding to head home. "Nell! Wait up!" She heard Sam call as she went to walk out of the bar, seeing that he, Steve and Bucky were also leaving. "Drinking with Walker eh?"

"Is that a problem?" She smiled knowingly.

"Not at all, unless you like that kinda guy". Bucky said.

Nell noted Steve's silence as they walked out together but didn't question it. "It was just a drink with a friend, anyway what do you have against him anyway? He seems ok to me".

"Just...be careful, ok?" Bucky now said seriously.

"Look, I know you guys are cops, but you're off duty, I don't need mollycoddling for having a drink with your colleague" She told him. "Have a nice evening".

Steve looked at the pair. "Nice, well-done fellas", and now went after Nell, catching up to her. "Nell...sorry, they've just had a few beers that's all. You can probably tell they don't get along with John".

"It's fine, anyway I should be getting home".

"Let me walk you, the trails at night are not the best, especially with the weather turning". There was a bitter chill in the air tonight.

She hesitated and then nodded with a small smile. "Okay then".

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