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"Nell wait".

Nell rolled her eyes as she locked her door, only to see John waiting by his car . Although she'd not confronted him, she was sure that he'd been following her lately. The feeling of unease being present every time she either left or got home. As a result she had started locking her doors and windows, even closing the blinds just so he couldn't look in if he was there.

"What is it John?" She sighed.

"Have you. It been getting any of my messages? My flowers?" He now asked, coming down the path.

"Yes". She said, making her way towards her car and unlocking it. "And while the gesture is nice, we're just not compatible - why can't you understand that? I'm more than happy to be friends but..."

She was promptly cut off. "But you'd rather be with Steve". His lip now curled slightly.

Nell frowned. "What are you talking about? Steve and I are friends and we're definitely not dating in any shape or form". She stressed. "Have you been watching me?" It wouldn't surprise her considering he'd been waiting for her to leave obviously.

"It's not hard to tell..."

"Answer my question".

He grabbed wrist, "Nell, please...look why don't we go for a drink tonight and talk?"

She snatched it away. "No. Besides I have plans".

"Seeing Steve, right, of course - because you're just friends".

"Oh my god - what problem do you have with him? Because it's clear there is one". She now just came out with it, not caring if she was becoming annoyed .

"I warned you about him Nell". 

"And I have nothing to fear from him. Regardless of whether you think there is anything between me and Steve? There really isn't - I'm just not ready for a relationship, why is that so hard for you to understand?" Now opening her car door, she got in. "Have a good day John".

He stopped her from closing it in him. "Nell..."

"Get off my car and let me close the door!"

"No! Not until you come to your senses!"

"Coming from the man who is refusing to move! That's it I'm calling Steve..." she got out her phone, but he immediately snatched it from her and threw it on the ground, smashing it. She looked at him in shock. "Get off my car!" Grabbing the door and slamming it as he yanked his hand out from being crushed.

He punched her car, "you're making the wrong choice Nell!" Yelling at her as she now started the engine and quickly drove away.

Her hands shook against the wheel and once she felt like she was far enough, she quickly went in the direction of the sheriff's office. If Steve was anywhere then he'd be there, and if he wasn't then hopefully Sam or Bucky would be able to help her.


Steve's phone buzzed as he blearily opened his eyes, seeing Bucky was calling.

"Yeah?" He yawned as he answered his friend.

"Steve, we need you down here, Nell's not good, there's been an incident this morning and she's freaked out".

He sat up. "What happened?"

"Walker rocked up at hers and began harassing her - she thinks he's been following her the last week or so".

"I'll be there". He said, getting up and dressed as quick as he could.

John had crossed the line, and now something needed to be done about it. This would get him suspended from duty for sure.

Nell was sitting at Bucky's desk with him, Sam and Phil when Steve finally got into work, now seeing that she looked a little shaken. "Anyone tried calling John? Looking for him?"

Phil nodded, taking him to one side. "Phones off, got Torres out looking just incase but he seems to have disappeared - what the hell is he thinking?"

"Don't know, but this has gone far enough. He's obsessed with her".

"To the point where he grabbed her and smashed her phone".

"Son of a bitch". Steve muttered. "How is she?"

Both he and Phil looked back at Nell who was sipping some sweet tea that Sam had made for her. "Terrified". Phil now admitted. "She says she thinks he's been following her and watching her for the last week or so".

"Why didn't she tell me?" Steve sighed to himself. "What's the plan for when he's found?"

"Immediate suspension from duty and an investigation- somehow I don't think a simple restraining order is enough with this one. I need to think carefully about how we handle this one".

Steve nodded. "I can have her stay with me if she wants - at least then she may feel safer away from home rather than there".

He walked over to Nell and hugged her. "You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah just a little shaken, these guys have been hospitable though".

"I make a damn good sweet tea, ain't that right". Sam nodded smugly. "So we gonna go beat John's ass?"

Bucky cracked his knuckles. "Hey, I'm down for getting suspended if you are, pal".

Phil smirked. "Ok guys, I'm not losing half my guys because you've been throwing punches. Bottom line is we find John and we bring him in, Steve - may I suggest you stay with Nell, I'm gonna call Principal Vision and let him know what's going on - just incase John turns up at the school". 

Steve turned to Nell once Sam and Bucky had gone. "C'mon, I'll take you home - or if you want you can stay at mine".

"It's ok, I need to show him I won't be driven from my own house - but thank you".

"Not a problem". He told her, escorting her to his car. He'd return for hers later.

Steve made sure to stay at Nell's, just incase Walker did happen to show. There had been nothing for the rest of the day, which meant he'd left town.

Bucky came to take over for a night watch around 11pm, Nell already asleep on the sofa, not wanting to leave Steve sat in the living room alone to guard her.  "Any trouble, then call me". He told Bucky as he left.

"You know I will". His friend nodded. "You sure care about her don't you?"

Steve didn't really know whether he meant more as a friend or not but now made his intentions clear. "She's a friend, I'd do the same for anyone else and I'm sure she would do the same for me".

Bucky simply said nothing and headed inside, saying goodnight to Steve and making himself comfortable.

Hours later he idly flipped through a magazine - probably Cosmo if he'd read it right - and glanced at his watch. Almost 3am, at least he could tell his friend come morning that Walker had probably skipped town, knowing he'd be hunted.

He shifted his position a little and lay back against the armchair he was sat in, glancing over at Nell who was still asleep. It was a shame. She was a nice girl, and if he was honest? More compatible with Steve than Sharon had ever been - not that he liked speaking ill of the dead, nor was he about her, but they had been a mismatch in Bucky's opinion.

His phone rang and he quickly answered it. "Sam - tell me you've got something".

"We need you at Steve's - now!"  There was panic in his voice.

Bucky got to his feet, causing Nell to now wake with a start. "What is it?" He asked, heading for the door"

"The whole damn place is alight!"

"What! Is he there, is he ok?"

"I dunno! We can't even get in there! Just get your ass over here now!" Sam stressed.

Nell now got up. "What's happened?" She asked, seeing his expression.

Bucky looked at her. "It's Steve..."

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