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The Autumn fair was in full swing -the main street of town had been closed off and was lined with stalls of autumnal goods such as pumpkins, homemade little scarecrow decorations, cakes, coffee, cheeses. Bunting of burnt orange, red, and brown were strung across from one shop to another. Come Christmas these would be replaced with wreaths and lights, along with the snowfall that was bound to be expected. 

Nell had invested in a pair of decent boots after her slip the other evening and now walked the streets from stall to stall. Most goods were handmade or homemade. Agatha was putting on her best witch impression on her cake stall, the kids loving it. 

Fury was now walking around looking at all the work that had been put into this year's fair. Soon Halloween would be upon on them, and some stalls had things for trick or treaters and lovers of the day. 

Steve and Bucky walked the streets, patrolling and talking with the locals. Nat had given them a couple of free hot chocolates to keep them warmed. John and Lemar were taking the other end of town so thankfully they weren't about to bump into them. 

"Nell!" John now called as he made his way over to her. 

"Hi" She smiled, "nice day for a festival" 

"Sure is, you having fun?" He asked. 

She nodded. "I am, it's nice to see a town coming together like this. You get nothing like it in the city really". 

"What are you doing after?" He asked. 

"Not much, probably will go home, get warm". 

"Do you fancy going to dinner with me? I finish up my shift about five? I feel bad I couldn't make it the other night" He looked a little guilty. 

Nell nodded. "Honestly it's ok. But yeah, that would be nice". She'd only feel bad if she said no. 

"Awesome. I'll stop by yours and pick you up?" 

"Ok, I'll see you then" She said as they now parted ways. 

Going from stall to stall, she admired the efforts and skill that people had put into the things that they were selling. 

"Hey Nell! Nell!" Bucky's voice now called her away and she saw him and Steve now standing drinking their hot beverages. 

"Hello officers" She smiled and walked over to join them. "Enjoying your patrol?" 

Steve smiled. "Always do, the Christmas fair is always the winner for me though". 

"You gonna be working that one too?" Nell asked. 

He shook his head. "Nope, managed to wrangle that day off so I could enjoy it without any hassle". 

"Bastard" Bucky muttered with a laugh. "Now thanks to you I'm stuck with Sam, I'm gonna move along pal, meet you at the end?" 

"Sure" Steve said. 

"Cya later Nell" Bucky said and strode off into the crowds. 

"Aren't you cold?" Nell asked as she noted that even if Steve did have his uniform on, he still looked a little chilly. 

He chuckled. "Should've brought my gloves. Nat gave us some drinks to warm us up though - been in worse conditions". 

Nell took her scarf off. "Here, take this, might help". 

"Nell, it's ok" He laughed. 

"Go on, you're staying out for hours on end in the cold and yet I can just go home and get warm easily". 

He smiled and wrapped it around his neck, tucking it into his jacket. "Thanks, I'll stop by and give it back tomorrow". 

"Use it for however long you want, I have lots of scarves and hats anyway". She brushed it off and looked at her watch. "And on that note, I need to get home". 

"Bored of the fair already?" He joked. 

She shook her head. "John's taking me to dinner, thought I'd at least make myself look decent". 

"I see, well I hope you have a nice evening - enjoy yourself". 

"I hope so". 

Steve now got the impression that she was a little hesitant. "Hey, he's interested. It's something. If it doesn't feel right, then it doesn't. It's not the end of the world". 

"I know, I just feel bad at letting people down". 

"Because you care. Now go on, you never know, you may enjoy it". Steve said, knowing that she probably wouldn't. John didn't seem the type on man that he would've thought that Nell would have gone for. 

She smiled. "Alright. Keep warm!" Now giving him her orders. 

"I'll be sure to" He told her and watched her weave her way through the people before disappearing out of sight. Both of them unaware that John had been watching the whole thing from afar...

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