September writing prompts 2 - Apology

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Jiang Cheng was looking at the back of his brother who was leaving him. Again.

It should have not come as a surprise that after everything that happened between them, especially after he had gotten to know what exactly Wei Wuxian had sacrificed for him, that they went their separate ways.

Why did his brother always run away in times like this? He had to give Jiang Cheng a little time to think about things, not disappear like steam not to be see again for weeks or even years. Or die all alone.

How was Jiang Cheng supposed to look after him if he was never there? How was he supposed to protect him when that idiot always readily threw himself in front of him to take a hit. How were they supposed to still be brothers? How could he stay by his side when there was so much unsaid between them?

Suddenly, Jin Ling punched Jiang Cheng's shoulder.

"I cannot watch you two. Just go after him and apologize."

Apologize? Was it really that simple?

But, he had already lost too many chances. Jin Ling was right, Jiang Cheng had to apologize.

"Wei Wuxian!" he run after his brother. 

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