September writing prompts 3 - Dance

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"Lan Zhan, do you hear that?" Wei Wuxian turned to his husband after they returned from their night hunt back to the village who had called for their help.

"Hm, they are celebrating," Lan Wangji replied.

"I meant the music. Should we join the dancing? Looks like fun." Wei Wuxian corrected the observation. He was already skipping in place, excited.

"Whatever Wei Ying wants." Lan Wangji agreed solemnly.

Wei Wuxian took him by his hand and was dragging him into the middle of the swarm of dancing people. Suddenly, he stopped and turned back to his husband.

"Lan Zhan, why are you not dancing?"

"I do not know how," Lan Wangji admitted.

Wei Wuxian erupted in a long laughter. "Lan Zhan, sometimes, I do not understand you. Why did you agree so quickly when you are not a dancer?"

"Wei Ying wanted it. Wei Ying should get whatever he wished for."

Wei Wuxian smiled again and gave Lan Wangji a deep kiss, right there, in the middle of the crowd. Some people looked shocked, other cooed at them.

"I love you, Lan Zhan." Wei Wuxian confessed and with the same breath he offered: "Should I teach you how to dance?"

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