Chapter 1

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*Ella's POV*

I just got out of shower, put some make up on and just as I was about to eat breakfast my phone vibrated. I instantly picked up my phone and opened a message. One thing the past few months taught me was how important one message can be.

As I thought it wasn't from the group or Jake. It was my childhood friend, Tyson. We grew up together and have been best friends since childhood. He just was asking me how I've been doing. I instantly answered and went back to my breakfast.

As I was eating I remembered how it felt when I'd receive messages from the group. How I was trying to find Hannah. It's already been a few months and messages from Groupchat were less and less. Jake texted me once in a while. But not as much as before... But we don't need to text each other.

Did I mention it before? Sorry, my bad. I forgot to tell you that I live in Duskwood now. Me and my group don't need to text each other because we spend a lot of time in Aurora together. Even Jake is here.

We spend almost every day together and I don't want to be anywhere else. Duskwood is my home now and our group - my family.

Just as I finished my breakfast, a knock on the door was heard. I ran towards the front door because I knew exactly who it was. As soon as I opened it, I saw him standing there with a black hoodie and jeans. He smiled at me and opened his arms for me. All I wanted at that moment was to hug him but I remembered that I was still mad at him, so I just stood at the door watching him, trying very hard not to smile at him.

His smile dropped when he realized I wasn't going to hug him.

- Are you still mad at me?

Oh boy, how I wanted to say no.

- Mhm

- Ella...

He sighed and walked towards me. Me being me just went straight to the kitchen and left him at the entrance. I heard how he went into the apartment and closed the door, then followed me.

I was about to go into the kitchen when strong arms sneaked around my waist and blocked me from getting in the kitchen. I was walking so fast, how did he get here this quickly!! Those long legs...

He hugged me, my back against his chest. He put his head on my shoulder (which btw wasn't that easy, considering our height difference) and said:

- You know you have nothing to be mad and jealous about, right?

I said nothing, just because I didn't know what to tell him.

- Oh come on, Ella. It was just one drink.

- Mhm

- Ella... You know I only love you right?

- Suuurree

He turns me around and looks me in my eyes. He says with serious voice:

- That drink was nothing, I wanted to say no, but that girl didn't even ask. She gave it to me and next second wanted to kiss me. You saw how I got rid of her.

I looked at the floor. He was right. He did nothing wrong but it still hurt me. That girl was beautiful, really beautiful and then looked at me. I was scared that one day he'll find someone better than me and leave me. Everyone does that but I can't live without him.

Maybe he deserves someone better than me.. I mean look at him and then look at me. Maybe that girl-

- Stop it.

- What? - I really was confused right now.

- I said stop it.

- Stop what?

- Stop zoning out on me and thinking about some stupid things. - how did he know?!

- Since when can you read people's minds?

- One look at your beautiful face and I know what's going on in that head of yours. - He kissed my forehead and hugged me.

- I'm sorry - I whisper but he hears. Is he superman or something?

- Why are you saying sorry, sweetie?

- Sorry for annoying you...

- Don't say that, you're not annoying me.

- Sometimes I'm the most annoying person you've ever met..

- Yeah... ... ... Wait no.

I laughed, seeing his scared face was great.

- You know I didn't mean to say that, right? - He was actually nervous now. And even tho I wanted to tease him a little bit, I told him:

- Don't worry, Kitty. I know you didn't mean that.

- Don't call me that.

- You don't like it when I call you kitty?

- No.

- Ok then. I won't call you anything. - I pulled away and wanted to go in the kitchen but his arms still stopped me.

- Will you let me go in the kitchen in the next 10 years?

I wanted to eat that ice cream so bad.

- You're doing it again. - He said with sad voice.

- Doing what?

- Ignoring me.

Now why would he think that. Oh... Maybe because I broke that hug... Probably

- I'm not ignoring you.

- You got mad at me for telling you that I don't like the name "kitty". Fine, you can call me whatever you want. Just don't ignore me please.

- First of all I wasn't angry at you, I just wanted to eat ice cream but thanks for letting me call you whatever I want.

He smiled. Why would he smile when he put himself in great danger. I didn't even know what I'd come up with to call him. I had some ideas though, maybe "hooded raccoon". If I ever get mad at him, I'll definitely call him that.

He released me and I was able to go to my ice cream...

*Knock knock*

Of course! Whoever that is I'll kill him, especially if it's Phil.

I opened the door and there stood Richy. I was about to kill him but then I saw ice cream in his hands. I decided not to kill him for the time being.

- Hey sis - he instantly smiled at me.

- Hey bro.

I smiled at him too. I could hear Jake's annoyed voice whispering something, probably because I didn't smile at him this morning, but I ignored it.

- Here, take this. Your favorite ice cream, strawberry flavor.

- Love you bro

I instantly took the ice cream. I was so happy that I was holding it.

- Come on in

He went inside and talked to Jake. It's amazing how their relationship improved in a few months.

I went to kitchen and got ice cream for boys too. As I was coming back into the living room I felt weird. Like someone was watching me. I looked out of the window but nothing. I decided to ignore it and went to Jake and Richy.

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