Chapter 7

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*Jake’s POV*

Work, work, work and again work. I haven’t had free time for the whole week. Am I annoyed because of that? No. I’ve been living like this for years now. Then what is the reason? I haven’t seen Ella for a week. I haven’t even talked to her. It’s hard for me to concentrate on work when all I think about is her. But being away from me is better for her.

I have no idea how I’ll live away from her but if it’s for her happiness and safety, then I’m gonna do everything. I just hope she’s ok. All I want right now is to see her, even if she’s mad at me. But I stop myself, because if I go to her, I won’t be able to leave her.

I miss her…

*knock knock*

I looked over at the door, who could it be at this time? I quickly got up and carefully saw who it was. It was Lilly, my sister. I immediately opened the door, she stormed in, no hug this time, I guess. She went straight to the living room and sat down on the couch without saying anything. I closed the door and quickly followed her.

I sat in front of her, waiting for her to say something.

-         Why did you do that, Jake?
-         Do what?
-         Don’t play all innocent now. Do you know that Ella is depressed?
-         What? Why?
-         And you have courage to ask why. Because of you Jake. You broke her heart and left her.
-         I did what I had to do.
-         Whole week, Jake. She suffered the whole week and didn’t tell any of us what you did. She didn’t leave her apartment, didn’t sleep, didn’t eat and all of us thought she wasn’t feeling well. She told us not to come and we did what she wanted. But today I went to see her. Do you know why?
-         Why?
-         Because today you and she were supposed to go on a date! Did you forget about that?
-         No, I remember.
-         And yet here you are. Sitting in front of your computer and not caring about anyone. And you were saying you love Ella! Tell me why you did this. Why did you leave her without telling her reason!
-         I don’t want to talk about that, Lilly.
-         Well, I do. You better start explaining yourself.

What was I expecting… I just left her. I hate myself. Ella was depressed.. because of me? How did I let that happen…

-         Start Jake.
-         I.. I met Nathan.
-         Father?

He doesn’t deserve being called that.

-         Yes, him. He called me and asked me to meet him.
-         And? What he wanted?
-         He… he knew, Lilly. He knew about me all these years.
-         What?

Lilly jumped up from the couch. Anger written all over her face.

-         Yes, Lilly. He knew. And you want to know why he left my mother and me? Because he was already married to your mother and he loved her. How can someone cheat on his love?
-         Jake…
-         I was a mistake and I got it. But how could he do this to your mother? Not only cheating, but he's been lying to her all these years.
-         Jake, listen to me.
-         And he’s my father, Lilly. I have his blood in my veins. What if I’m just like him? What if I’ll do the same to Ella?
-         Jake! – she screamed – you’re not him! You love Ella. You would never do something like this to her. You trust her and she trusts you.

She got to me and hugged me. I couldn’t stop myself anymore. I hugged her tight and cried. All unreleased emotions from last week are getting out now.

-         You need her and she needs you. Don’t torture yourselves. You’re meant for each other.

She was right. I should’ve thought about this better.

We stood there hugging each other without saying anything for a few minutes. More I thought about what I did, the more I hated myself. I was scared I’d hurt her, but me leaving her hurt her even more. She’ll never forgive me, she’ll never trust me again.

Did I lose her forever?

-         It’s ok, Jake. I know what you’re thinking. Everyone makes mistakes, but there’s nothing that can’t be sorted out by talking. What you did really hurt her. But you did it for a reason. She might need some time but everything will be ok in the end, I promise.
-         Thank you, sister.

I smiled at her. When was the last time I smiled though? Just then my phone rang. I really wanted it to be Ella, but it was Philip. Since when is this guy calling me? I really didn't want to talk to him but I answered anyway.

-         What do you want? – I asked with an annoyed voice.
-         Hello to you too, Jake. Listen I really don’t want to call you but I think you should know this.
-         I don’t have a whole day, just say what you need.
-         Ella is at Aurora.
-         What? What is she doing there?
-         Based on the drinks she’s drinking, you definitely messed up somewhere, man.
-         Is she that mad?
-         She’s very mad. Listen, I am keeping an eye on her as much as I can. But there are a lot of customers here, and a lot of them are drunk guys, so you better hurry.
-         I’m on my way.

I cut the call and looked at Lilly. She smiled.

-         Go to your Ella, Jake.

I smiled. She’s my Ella.

-         You can stay here Lilly. Once I pick Ella up I’ll come to you and take you to your apartment.
-         Don’t worry about me, big brother. Dan is already coming to pick me up.

I smiled and kissed her on the cheek. She smiled and wished me good luck. Well… I definitely need it.

I took my keys, my backpack and ran out of the apartment. I was about to see Ella. It's been a week, I miss her so much.


I arrived at Aurora. Philip was right. There were a lot of guys here. Why did she decide to come here again?

Philip rushed to me as soon as he saw me. He was acting very nice today.

-         Finally you’re here. follow me, she’s over there.
-         Philip – he turned around – thank you.
-         You can’t hear those words coming out of your mouth everyday. – I rolled my eyes – you’re welcome.

I nodded and we both went to Ella. She was sitting at the corner, drinking. She definitely lost some weight. She had black circles under her eyes and her beautiful smile wasn’t showing. My heart died watching her like this. I am the cause of this. I put my head down and took deep breaths. I’ll make everything right.

Me and Philip walked towards her. She looked up and her eyes found me. I’ve never been more nervous than now. In her eyes I found hurt and anger and she was right. I deserved that. But she can’t be here, surrounded by some drunk creepy dudes. I’m actually thankful to that ugly long haired boy for calling me, she could’ve been in danger.

She looked away and my heart broke. I miss that bright smile on her face, I’ll do everything to make her laugh and that’s a promise.

-         Why is he here, Phil? – how I missed that voice.
-         I’m sorry Ella, you’re my friend and I want you to be safe. Even though that…

I glared at him. He cleared his throat and continued.

-         Even though that amazing boy did something wrong, you’ll be safer with him than you’re here.

She didn’t even look up from her drink. I told Phil to go and I went closer to Ella.

-         Ella…

No answer. I should’ve known that would happen.

-         Ella, let's get away from this place, ok?
-         No.
-         Ella, please.
-         Just leave me like you left me a week ago. I want to drink.

That hurt me a lot. I made her suffer because of that stupid thought in my head. I should’ve stayed with her.

-         Ella, you can be as mad at me as you want. But please, let’s go to your apartment so you’ll be safe there.
-         I am not going anywhere until I decide to go.

I sighed. Only way to take her to her apartment is by using force and I can’t do that… for now at least.

-         Ok, then I’m going to sit with you.
-         No you’re not. Only reason I want to drink is to forget you.
-         Ella…
-         No. Don’t say anything. Just let me drink.

I couldn’t control myself anymore. I went to her and hugged her tight. At first she tried to get away from the hug but then stopped. She hugged me tight and cried. I held her and calmed her down. We’ve been like that for some time.

-         Why did you leave me?
-         I’m sorry Ella. I was an idiot. I promise you I’ll tell you everything after you're sober.
-         You’re really here?
-         Yes.
-         I’m still mad at you.
-         I know, I know, love. I’ll make it right, I promise.

She nodded and smiled. Seeing her smile made me so happy. Finally she agreed to follow me to her apartment. I helped her stand up. from the corner of my eye, I saw Philip smiling. Is he okay?
We finally arrived at Ella’s apartment. I laid her down on the couch and went to the kitchen to cook some food. She needed it.

After a few minutes food was ready so I went to wake Ella up. It definitely wasn't an easy task. After 10 minutes of trying to wake her up, she finally opened her eyes.

-         What do you want?!!
-         Ella, love. You need to wake up and eat something.
-         I don’t wanna!
-         Ella! Get up, please.

She finally got up and sat at the table. She ate one bite and said she was done. Nope, not enough.

I literally had to feed her with my hands like a little baby. Once she actually ate I took her to her bedroom and laid her in bed. I turned off the lights and was about to leave the room when she called me.

-         Jake, you’re really here?
-         Yes, love, I’m with you. – I got near her and kissed her on the forehead.
-         Will you leave me again?
-         Never, I promise.
-         I’m scared. I don’t want you to leave again.
-         I won’t.

I sat on the floor, right next to her bed and caressed her hair.

-         Go to sleep, I’ll be here until you fall asleep.

She nodded and held my hand. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

-         Goodnight, love.
-         Goodnight, Bluey.

I like that nickname.

And just like that I was sitting next to her bed, holding her hand and waiting for her to fall asleep.

Few minutes later I put my head on her bed and let sleep consume me.

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