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*Ella's POV*

I was standing in front of the mirror looking at myself in my wedding dress once again.

Jake suggested we do our wedding at the beach, he said it will be different from last time and we would feel better. I agreed with him and he planned everything himself. As he told me today will be filled with surprises and I can't wait to see them.

Memories of our first wedding flooded my mind. I was happy back then just like I am now but then something terrible happened. I am scared something like that will happen again, I'm scared something will go wrong.

Knock on the door turned me back to reality. I stopped looking in the mirror to myself and looked at the door.

- Who is it?

- Your one and only husband. Who did you expect?

- Why are you here? aren't you supposed to be at the altar?

- I am wherever you are.

- I'll come in a second.

- Why don't we go together?

- What?

- Yeah, why not? I'm sure you'll feel better if you don't walk down the aisle alone.

- Are you sure?

- Of course. Once you're done, come out. I'm waiting at the door.

I smiled at how caring he is. To be honest I was scared to walk there alone but now I was gonna go with Jake and it wasn't as scary anymore.

I looked one last time in the mirror and made sure everything was ready. Then I left the room and came face to face with Jake.

As soon as he saw me his eyes widened and a big smile was seen on his face. He kissed me on the forehead.

- Look at my beautiful wife.

- I'm not your wife yet.

- You will be, in a few minutes.

I giggled and looked at Jake. He looked amazing. He wore a black suit, black shirt, tie and loafers with great pride and dignity. Really, he put on loafers, which made me laugh at first, but I admired him more and more with every passing moment. In the pocket of his jacket was a tiny bouquet, almost identical to the one in my hand. We suited each other both today and for life, which was just beginning for a second, now happy, time.

He held my hand in his and we started walking down the aisle. Everyone stood on their feet and watched me and Jake going towards the altar with our hands intertwined. I imagined how we would look together.

Me in my fitted, gorgeous gown with cream-colored lace embroidery and a long train that trailed across the sand like a sea wave. On my head I had a wreath with a maroon rose, exactly like my wedding bouquet. I felt like a princess with her prince in shining armor by her side.

I got closer to Jake and whispered to him

- My heart beats so fast. I am so happy and scared at the same time.

- Everything will be alright, sweetie. Just a few more minutes and you won't be able to get rid of me your whole life.

- I don't want to get rid of you though...

- Good for you.

Both of us smiled and then I realized how close we were to the altar. I saw Dan and Lilly waiting for us at the altar. Me and Jake joined them in less then a minute. Jake didn't let go of my hand even for a second.

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