Chapter 6

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*Ella's POV*

It's been two hours since Jake left. I cleaned the whole house, cooked lunch and now I'm sitting on the couch watching TV or trying to watch it. I couldn't concentrate on anything. I'm constantly thinking about Jake. Why did his father want to meet with him? Is he ok? I wanted to call him, but I stopped myself. I don't want to interrupt their talk.

Just then I heard a knock on the door. I jumped from happiness. Jake came back. I ran to the door and opened it. no, it wasn't Jake. At the door stood Lilly and Mrs. Donfort. They were both looking sad. Did something happen? I was even more worried now. Mrs. Donfort hugged me and cried.

-          I'm sorry dear. Sorry for what Hannah did.

I knew now what was happening and I kinda felt relieved. I hugged her back. She was such a loving woman. How could Mr. Donfort cheat on her?

-          It's ok, Mrs. Donfort. I understand everything. No need to apologize.
-          Call me Linda darling. Even though I met you twice, I love you like my daughter. You did a lot for our family. You're part of our family now.

Jake was right. Knowing the truth and not being able to tell her anything, was killing me. I felt bad that we were hiding a big secret from her. I smiled at her and looked at Lilly. She wasn't even looking at me. I went to her and hugged her.

-          I'm sorry Ella.
-          No need to apologize, Lilly. Both of us know why.

Lilly smiled and hugged me tight. Both of them came into the apartment. We had such a nice time together. We watched TV, Talked about everything and nothing at the same time. I didn't even realize how much time passed.

It was evening when they left and I still haven't heard anything from Jake. I decided it was time to call him. I took out my phone and dialed Jake's number. I waited for a few minutes but he didn't answer me. I called a second time, still no answer. I am really worried now. But I calmed myself down. He probably was busy.

I decided he would be hungry when he comes back. So I went to the kitchen and cooked him Pasta  with parmesan, olive oil, garlic and parsley. He loves it. Once I was done I put it on the table, sat down on the couch, my knees up to my chest, while looking at the door and waiting for Jake.

10 p.m – nothing.

12 a.m – still nothing.

3 a.m – no sight of Jake.

6 a.m – thinking he's in some trouble and not being able to help him kills me inside.

9 a.m – still sitting on the couch and looking at the door.

I already called him a thousand times. He didn't answer, no text, no call, no voicemail, nothing. What happened? I couldn't sleep, I cried the whole night. I don't want to lose him...

Just then the door opened and Jake walked in. I got up and ran towards him. I hugged him and he didn't even move. Just stood there like a statue and didn't even smile at me. He wasn't hugging me back. I felt bad but he was safe and sound so I didn't care.

-          Jake, are you ok? I was so worried.
-          I'm ok.

Just "I'm ok" with a cold voice. What's going on? Did I do something wrong?

-          I came for my laptop.

Without even letting me say a word, he pulled away from the hug and ran up the stairs. I stood there shocked, tears in my eyes. What did I do wrong? Why is he mad at me? He came back with his backpack And went straight to the door, no hug, no smile. I stopped him.

-          Jake, did I do something wrong? Are you angry with me?

He looked at me with an emotionless face.

-          The whole world doesn't revolve around you.

He turned around, left the apartment and closed the door right in front of my face. I locked the door and went up to my room, layed in my bed and cried myself to sleep.


It's been a week. Whole week with no call, no messages, no meeting, no explanation. Worst week of my life. I haven't tried to contact him either. He made it clear last week that he didn't want to see me.

I didn't leave my apartment and it was so hard to hear incoming calls. Every time I thought It was him, I was always disappointed.

I didn't tell anyone what happened, I just said that I wasn't feeling well and I didn't want to leave my apartment. They understood and gave me some time. I am so thankful for that. They would always check up on me, always asked if I ate, if I slept. I would say I did but it was a lie.

I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't concentrate. My mind was constantly replaying Jake's words and his leaving. Why did he do that? What happened? There's gotta be an explanation for all of this. Will I ever see him again?

I started crying again. It hurt, it hurt so much. I knew it would happen. maybe he found someone better than me, maybe he forgot about me. But how can I live without him? I got so addicted to being next to him, smiling at him, hugging him, telling him about my day... I can't live like this.

Just then a knock on the door was heard, my heart started beating faster, maybe it's Jake? Maybe he came back to talk to me. I jumped out of my bed and ran to the front door. I opened it and it wasn't Jake, it was Lilly.

Her eyes widened when she saw me. I just realized how I stood there. I haven't showered in a few days and my hair probably looked like a bird's nest. But I don't care about it now. I just got near Lilly and hugged her.

-          I'm so glad to see you Lilly.
-          Ella, what happened? Are you ok?

I nodded. Should I tell her everything?

-          I'm ok Lilly, come in.

I pulled away from the hug and let her come in. she looked around my apartment, it was a mess. Ok, now she definitely will figure out something isn't right. Before she could ask me anything I started talking.

-          What brings you here?
-          Oh, right – she smiles – I wanted to help you get ready for tonight.
-          Tonight?
-          You forgot? Jake and your date in a Chinese restaurant.

Right! We planned it a long time ago. I was so happy we could finally go there, both of us were waiting so long. When we planned it I told Lilly about it. I was so happy that day. Jake was there and we were planning everything in detail. But...

I looked down and started crying. Lilly rushed towards me and hugged me.

-          Ella, you can tell me anything, you know. What happened?

And I told her. I said everything. Lilly was listening to me with a shocked expression. She definitely wasn't expecting that. I wouldn't believe it either. Another dark, cold, heartless side of Jake. Side which I discovered the hard way. Side which made me suffer for the whole week. Was everything that he told me a lie? Was he pretending?

-          Shhh, Ella. Everything is fine dear. I am with you.
-          Thank you Lilly, for being here.
-          You know that something happened, right? He wouldn't act like this out of nowhere.
-          He could've told me Lilly. If I did something wrong he could've told me. He could've talked to me and not leave me in the dark.
-          I know sweetie, I know. Everything will be alright, I promise. Let's just give him some time. Now tell me, when did you sleep last?
-          I don't know, I couldn't sleep.
-          Did you eat anything?
-          No.
-          Ella... - she sighed – ok, let's clean this place and make you something to eat, ok?
-          I'm not hungry.
-          Ella please, you need to eat.

Winning an argument against her was impossible so I agreed. We cleaned my house. Cooked food and she made sure I ate all of it. Then I took a shower and actually felt refreshed. Lilly was right. Something was going on, which made Jake act like this. Maybe his father was the reason for this? He ignored me after he went to meet with him. What did he tell him? I decided to think about this later.

I came out of shower and saw Lilly sitting on the couch exhausted. I smiled at her, the first smile in the whole week. She smiled at me and got up to hug me. I hugged her back.

-          I promise you, Ella. Everything will be amazing. You and Jake love each other. You're meant for each other. You'll live happily together.
-          Thanks Lilly, thank you for today.
-          You're welcome, sis. I have to go somewhere. I'll be back soon. You need to sleep now. Take a nap and before you'll wake up I'll be back.
-          I know you have some things to take care of. I'll be fine, I promise.
-          No, I am coming to you. You're more important than everything else. Just go to sleep now. I'll see you soon.

She hugged me again and went out of the door. I was alone again. I went to my bedroom, trying to get some sleep but no matter how hard I tried it wasn't working. My mind kept thinking about Jake by itself. I was worried about him and I missed him so much. I wish I could see him.

I got out of bed. It was getting impossible to sleep or think about anything else, other than Jake. So I decided it would be better if I went to Aurora. I'll probably regret this later but I didn't have any other choice for now.

I changed my clothes and locked my door. Aurora wasn't far from my apartment so I decided it would be better if I walked there. While I was on my way I imagined how Jake would react if he knew where I was going. He'll probably come with me and send death stares to Phil. I imagined his red face from anger when Phil would come to me and talk to me. I laughed but then I remembered that he wasn't with me...

I decided to not think about this, I just wanted to forget about everything for tonight. That was the only reason why I was here. It was risky but I couldn't handle this anymore. So I took a deep breath and went into Aurora.

First person to see me was Phil. He looked at me concerned and came towards me.

-          Ella, are you ok?

Was it obvious that I wasn't good?

-          Yeah, I am. Thanks.
-          Did something happen?
-          Um.. no..
-          Then why are you alone and not with that hacker of yours.
-          I just wanted to drink alone. Is that a crime?

He looked at me with a serious face. Then sighed and looked around, looking for a table for me. I looked around too and I almost went back home, there were a lot of drunk boys here tonight. I kinda got scared. Looks like Phil was thinking about the same thing.

He led me to a table closest to the bar. I sat down and he asked me what drink I wanted. I thought about It for a little bit.

-          Sidecar.

Phil sighed.

-          Ella, are you sure?
-          Yes Phil, I'm sure.
-          Ok, as you wish. I'll get you your drink soon. But listen. Today there are a lot of people. I'll try to keep an eye on you, but you have to help me too. Don't go anywhere alone and if someone tries to talk to you just call me, ok?

I was too shocked to say anything. Since when was Phil caring about me? I simply nodded. Phil smiled and went to get my drink.

Time to forget Jake.

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