Chapter 18

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*Ella’s POV*

I was cooking breakfast with Lilly. Richy and Tyson were sitting in the living room and talking. They became friends pretty quick.

This morning when I woke up Jake was still working on his laptop. He hasn’t slept all night. Jake called Lilly and asked her to come with Richy for breakfast. He didn’t want to leave me alone with Tyson and refused to leave until Lilly and Richy arrived. Once they got here he kissed me on the forehead and left by the bedroom window. I introduced Tyson to my friends, Richy instantly liked him and Lilly was giving him death stares. She and Jake definitely are siblings.

Once we had breakfast together Tyson got ready to leave. He said he has some things to take care of in Duskwood. He was about to leave the apartment when he came back, looked at me and smiled.

-         Ella… I… I want to tell you something.

-         Sure Tyson. What is it?

-         I know it might be early for you because you just broke up with that liar, but I have to tell you anyway. Ella, will you go on a date with me?

I was beyond shocked. I never thought about Tyson more than friend and he wants to take me on a date? I looked over at my friends. Richy was about to start jumping because of happiness and Lilly was standing pale. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. I really don’t want to go on a date with him, But I also can’t say no.

-         I… um… sure Tyson. Why not?

I forced a smile. He was so happy. He kissed me on the cheek and smiled. I felt so uncomfortable.

-         Are you free tomorrow at 7 p.m.?

-         Yeah.. sure. I am free.

-         Perfect! I’ll see you then.

He left the apartment. Oh god, how do I tell Jake this? Richy ran to me and hugged me tight.

-         I am sooo happy for you sis. You deserve to get over that cheater and Tyson is a great guy!

-         Um… Thanks Richy…

-         I’m sorry, I have to go to the garage now. I’ll call you later I promise.

I smiled and nodded. He took his things and left. I stood at the door emotionless, not moving at all. I felt Lilly’s hands on my shoulders. I looked at her with sad eyes.

-         Come Ella, sit on the couch.

She took my hand and led me to the couch. I sat down and put my head in my hands. She sat next to me.

-         Everything will be alright, Ella. You have to pretend like you are mad at Jake. I perfectly understand that.

-         I hate myself that I agreed on that date. I never even thought that Tyson would ask me such a thing. I love Jake and can’t be with him! Why is this happening to us?!

-         Don’t worry Ella. Jake will find whoever kidnapped you soon and then everything will go back to normal.

-         We did Lilly…

-         What?

-         We found my kidnapper.

-         Really?! Who is that?

-         Right hand of Italian mafia don.

-         WHAT?!

-         Yes. Jake and I have to fight against the Italian mafia. All I want  is to be happy with Jake and now we find out that the mafia is hunting for us. Whole world is against our love.

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