Chapter 32

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*Jake’s POV*

-         And we just sit and watch while that hacker does our job, king? What if he won’t be able to kill him? what will you do then?!

-         I told you to wait, Lucas. Our plan is working. He’ll take care of Joseph himself.

-         But king…

-         Lucas, we planned everything. Jacob is taking care of Joseph himself and we are getting the money we need. Joseph will die and we’ll get the money, all we have to do is sit in the shadows and wait. You can’t even do that?

-         What about that gi-

-         Stop asking questions. Do as I told you.

They kept talking about some other things which weren't important to me. So I sneaked away from them and went towards my car. Once I was far away only then I overcame my shock and understood what happened. My father – Nathan was King. He killed my wife and blamed it on Joseph. He made me plan murder of man who hasn’t done anything to me.

Wait… I don’t care about Joseph. My own father killed my own wife! How messed up is that?! Why did he do that? He’s calling me son after he killed her like he's the most innocent person in the world. What do I do now? Now this explains why Ella said that kidnapper was familiar. It was my father!

I didn’t know where I was or where I was heading to. I instinctively was driving around the city not knowing the final destination. I thought about going to Ella but I couldn’t. How can I go there and talk like normal when my father killed her.

All my plans shattered. Everything I knew and everything I believed in lost its meaning. Where do I go? Who do I talk to?

Then I remembered the only person who I could go to. Someone who I didn’t believe in and made the wrong decision but thankfully I didn’t go too far. Daniel was right and I didn’t trust him, I hope it’s not too late to apologize.

I took my phone out and called him. He wasn’t answering at the beginning and I started thinking that he was mad at me. I was about to cut the call when he answered.

-         Yes mom?

-         Daniel, where are you?

-         I’m at… Lilly’s house. You remember Lilly right? My girlfriend. Anyways, why were you calling?

-         Daniel…

-         Is everything alright?

-         No.

-         What happened?

-         I’ll come to you. You said you’re at Lilly’s house right?

-         Are you sure? You know… about all of-

-         Daniel, I’ll meet everyone. I…

I couldn’t stop myself anymore. I started crying. All of this was too much.

-         Are you crying Jake?

-         I’ll be there in 5 minutes.

I could hear in the background Lilly asking Daniel about me but I didn’t care. I would be there soon and I would talk to her in person. I cut the call and drove towards Lilly’s house.

I arrived in less than 5 minutes. I parked the car and got out. I went to the house but Lilly was faster. She came running out of the house and hugged me tight while crying. I hugged her back and held her tight. This lasted literally for minutes. Lilly didn’t want to let go of me, like she was scared I would disappear. I didn’t complain though, hugging her somehow was calming me down. Daniel came to us too. He stood there, watching us with a smile on his face.

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