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Alhaitham paced around his office, holding his head as he felt an extreme pain in his head. He heard the door open, yet he refused to turn around. Yelan recognised what was going on. She hastily ran towards him.

"Alhaitham, calm down!" A look of concern plastered across her face. She looked at him and remembered to check his eyes. They were red.

"Mr Alhaitham..." Suddenly, she couldn't speak. Alhaitham was controlling her abilities to speak with his powers. Yelan stared at him.
"Ugh, just leave," Alhaitham spoke. Yelan sprinted out of the room. Alhaitham sighed, cleared upset. He went towards his desk and checked todays schedule.
"Another meeting with Ayato...hmm and I need a date for the party tonight." Alhaitham lifted up a book with a list of his workers' backgrounds. A name showed up, L/N Y/N. His finger paused on it. He began reading it.

"A worker in the company who took care of advertisements. She was 23 years old and had no trace of a family. Her current relationship status was single."

Al Haitham read it, surprised.
"I could possibly ask her." He pondered to himself."What if she's the right option?"
Al Haitham called yelan into his office.
"Hey, do you know L/N Y/N?."
Yelan looked at him in suprise. "Yeah, I do. Why?"
Al Haitham got up and walked around the room, staring at the cloudy blue sky.
"Im thinking about bringing her with me to the party. She is single anyways," said Al haitham.
"Should i call her?" Yelan asked.
"Yes, please do. Let her know she will get a bonus if she does accept the offer."
"Yes, sir," Yelan shouted back.

Y/N pov:
I was at home laying in my couch watching tv. News suddenly came up about my boss, I looked at it surprised.
"Leading buissnessman Al haitham is now known to be the 3rd richest man in the world by forbes."

"Damn, this guy is everything rich, handsome kind, and I've only seen him in photos." My phone suddenly began ringing. I picked it up.

"Hello Y/N its me, Yelan Mr Al Haithams secretary. I'd like to inform you that you have been chosen to be Al Haithams' date tonight. Would you like to take this offer?"

I was speechless. My dream had come true in the matter of a day. What.

"Hi Miss Yelan, I'll take the offer. It's not like I have much to do anyway." I replied, filled with excitement.

"Okay, I shall let sir know. I will message you the details" Yelan hung up.

I jumped around ecstatic. Soon enough, I received the message from yelan containg all the info I needed.

End of Y/N pov.

Al Haitham stood alone in the headquarters waiting for his guest. He felt a sudden iflux of his magic flowing through his body. He was worried. He put his hands on his desk, which was now encaved in ice. His eyes widened.

Ayato opened the door, the sight in front of him concerning.
"Al Haitham...". Ayato was worried. He had heard from Yelan that Al haitham wasn't doing well, so he came to check in.

Ayato was Al Haitham's friend since childhood. He cared a lot for him and always felt the need to help him.
"Hey, calm down," Ayato said to him.
Al Haitham turned around, his defined chisled jaw showing as the sun peirced through the window.
"You didn't have to come. I'm generally okay."
Al haitham said wearliy.
"You're not. you dont have to go to that party, you know." Ayato replied. Al haitham shook his head. "Just leave." Ayato walked out of the room, giving up on trying to help him.

Soon arrived at knock at Al Haithams office door. The door creaked open, and a shy, barely audible voice came from it.
"Hello sir, it's me Y/N" Y/N bowed. She couldn't stop staring at Al haitham, whose hands were in the pockets of his black suit. His flowy silver hair with a teal streak glimmered in the sunlight. Y/N gasped.
Al haitham turned around.
"Hello, Miss L/N. Thank you for coming. " Al haithan walked towards Y/N.
"Well, let's get you ready for tonight."

Y/N pov:
I stood in a room with the famous stylist Mona. I felt honoured.
"Hello Y/N ill be your stylist today," she said to me. Mona walked over to me, staring me up and down.
"Is there anything wrong, miss?" I asked, confused. Mona ignored me and passed me a teal dress embroided with emerald jewels.
The bottom of the dress was flowy with an extremely long trail. She then passed me a diamond necklace with a matching hairpin.
"Amazing." Mona smiled at me. Tears fell from my eyes. I felt good in myself. I thanked her grateful for how beautiful she made me feel.
"Well, off you go Y/N"

I was now with the famous makeup artist, James Charles.
"You look georgous," he said to me while doing my makeup.
"Thank you!" I replied. I decided to call my best friend Jean.
"Hey jean, how are you?"
"Good, thank you?" she replied.
"That's great. Guess what happened to me?" I said to her.
"WHAT?" Jean screamed.
"Im going to a party with my boss!"
"NO WAY YOU MEAN RICH AL HAITHAM YOUR JOKING RIGHT. OMG, " Jean shouted. I heard james laughing behind me.
"Well, I've got to go now bye jean!" I said, hanging up.

James had just finished up with my makeup. He smiled at me proud of his work. He clasped my hands in his. "Now go show Al Haitham, who is boss okay!" He said to me passionatly.

"OKAYY," I said, running out of the room.

A/N: Thank you for reading. I know this chapter may have been long, but hopefully, you enjoyed it! I love you all✰

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