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Y/N pov:
I climbed out of bed wearily. I was not in the mood for today. I had no energy, and I looked like a mess.

I walked over to my kitchen and checked the cabinets.
"Ugh, cereal again." I opened the bag of lucky charms and poured them into a bowl munching on them.

After eating, I took a quick shower. I felt refreshed. Dragging on a turtle neck and a black and white plaid skirt. I sprinted out of my house.

I hated being late it annoyed me. Jumping into a taxi, I sat down and guided my driver to my workplace. Shit it was 9 am. I stared at my phone during the drive, trembling, afraid of my manager's outburst at me because of my lateness.

The taxi had arrived at my workplace. I dropped a random amount of cash into the taxi driver's pay box and quickly ran out of the car. I sprinted towards the entrance and ran through the glass door, not wanting to be any later than I was.


I feel to the ground. I kept my head down ashamed, not wanting to see the person's face of who I bumped into.
"I am so sorry, uhh..I'll buy you a doughnut," I said, dragging myself off the floor. A pair of strong hands pulled me off the floor, and I looked up. AL HAITHAM! His hair covered his eyes.
"It's always you..." He said to me, rolling his eyes.
"Im so sorry please please forgive me," I said, bowing to him.

I took a glimpse at Al Haitham's outfit, that turtle neck really suit him. I blushed. I hastily got up and ran to my department.

As I stepped foot into the office, my boss glared at me.
"Y/N, you are an hour late. Don't do it again. I understood."
"Yes, boss." I replied ashamed.

I sat down and opened my laptop and began working. I was trying to create a food advert. Suddenly, I received an incoming call. I looked down at my phone it was him. My dad.
"Hello, dad."
"Hello, my worthless child, come to my house after work. As i always say, you will forever suffer for your actions as long as I live." his words projected out my phones speaker like a poisonous venom.
"I- I know.." I hung up the phone. Tears welling up in my eyes, I didn't know what to say. I was tired of this.

After finishing up my work, I put on my jacket and begun my way to my dad's house.
I sat inside the taxi, gazing out the window. My body tensed up at what was to come.

I came out of the car staring at the home I dreaded to see. Step by step, I walked down the path my heels clacking on the concrete path. I lifted my hand, knocking on the door.

My dad opened the door, a twisted smile on his face.
"Come in," he said to me. I stepped into the home, the silence suffocating, and the walls of this prison felt as if they were caving in on me.
"Sit down Y/N" my dad's voice felt as if it was echoing. I sat down on the leather sofa and prepared for what was coming.
"So you have money, don't you. Give it to me...it will repay for your mums death." He said to me.
"Don't speak of her like that." I shouted.
"OH REALLY YOUR BIRTH IS WHY SHE DIED YOUR WHOLE EXISTANCE. YOU."My dad bellowed. I looked at him speechless.

Lunging towards me, he began punching me. Every single hit I took, pain. He punched my face, my arms, every single part of my body.
Dragging of my clothes leaving me exposed. Bruises covering my body while I tried enduring the pain.
"STOP. Take my money, let me live." I screamed. My dad pulled away, letting me go.

I quickly grabbed my bag and threw my bank card on the floor. I got my jumper and dragged it on, running out of the house. Tears streamed down my face. What did I do to deserve this?

I sat on the streetside and tried calling Jean, but she didn't pick up. A car pulled over. The rain had just begun it was heavy and rapid. Covering my face, I cried.
"Why, dad...ever since mum left..." I mumbled to myself.

I felt something cover my head, and the presence felt way too familiar. I looked up.
"Al Haitham?" I said.
"Why is there a bruise on your face?" He asked.
"I-" I couldn't hold my tears in. I broke down right in front of him. Al Haitham embraced me in his arms, trying to comfort me.
"Cry all you want, okay..." his voice was soothing.

He picked me up and put me in his car, passing me a blanket.
"Should I bring you back to your place?" Al Haitham asked me. I nodded while wiping my tears.

He started up his car and began driving. The thunder strikes as he drives. I couldn't take my eyes off him. The fact Al Haitham even bothered to help someone as worthless as me surprised me.
"Hey, Im sorry if I came off as cold at work." He said to me.
"No, dont worry, it's fine."

For the rest of the car ride, we both stayed silent. My past traumas were represented by the weather, yet it reminded me of my inner suffering.

A/N: Once again, thank you for reading! What are your opinions on this chapter? Also, I would like to say domestic abuse is such a huge issue that we need to raise awareness of and make sure that no one in society should go through . I love you all. Thanks for reading!

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