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This chapter is in Al Haitham's pov.

Running a buissness is tiring, yet I find some sort of comfort in it. Haze is my passion, something that keeps me driven. I remember when I was 18 and I began my business, my family thought it was stupid yet I knew I wanted to do it.

At school, I was a top student. People believed I was a "nerd" or a "try hard" yet, but that wasn't me. I wanted to fit in, have friends, party, go to the park, and do what any normal school kid would do. However, my life could never be like that. It was like a curse was bestowed upon me.

My magic. My cause of suffering. The power that had been passed down between my family for years. Most of my life, I was hidden away or secluded from people. My childhood was spent alone in a house studying all day or learning how to harness my magic. I hated it.

I felt like an outcast. Why was I the only person who had this issue? Why was I the only child like this? I always thought this. I remember following my dad to gatherings, and every kid looked at me, thinking I was weird when I spoke about physics. Even though that was the only thing I knew.

Until I met Ayato. Heh... to think that idiot changed my life. I remember meeting him at my house. I was upstairs in my room when my dad called me downstairs.
"AL HAITHAM! COME DOWNSTAIRS WE HAVE VISITORS, " He screamed. I remember walking down the stairs with my head down. Ayato's dad is standing there discussing things with my father.

"Hello Al Haitham, I've heard loads about you. I hope you and Ayato can get along." Ayato's father said to me with a bright smile.

Ever since that day, he's been my best friend. Ayato knows me inside and out. He followed me around and came to my house every day after his school day. He even managed to persuade my father to let me go to school.

My first day of school was a disaster. I was 15 when I finally began school. All my life being home schooled meant my social skills were horrid. Everyone looked at me when I stepped into the classroom.
"So kid, you ain't gonna introduce yourself?" The teacher said to me. I looked at the teacher confused. Did I really have to?

Everyone went and sat down, and I went and introduced myself.
"Uh...hi im Al Haitham," I said shy. To my suprise no one laughed they all smiled. I went to sit down in the spare seat at the back since Ayato had someone next to him.

"Oh- hi," a girl said to me. She was pretty, and she had pastel pink hair.
"Hii. What's your name?" I asked her.
"Oh my name is Yae Miko, but call me Miko." She told me. For the rest of the day, I spoke with her. We walked around the school together and spoke of our hobbies. She was my first friend apart from Ayato.

Over the years, the three of us grew very close. When I was 17, I started to realise that Ayato and Miko had a sort of different relationship they were in love. They tried pressuring me to find love, but that wasn't my interest.

It was time to prepare for my career and what I wanted to do. So I decided that I wanted to start a buissness. When I told Ayato about this, he actually had hope in me. But my dad was highly against it. He thought I was being naive. So when I turned 18, I moved out.

I spent my time designing and learning. I stayed at Ayato's place and studied what I needed to do. While doing all of this, I still juggled my university life.

I remember the day so clearly when I finally started my business. All I felt was happiness and relief. Starting up Haze was a dream that I had achieved. It became famous worldwide after a year. The phones I had once designed, now in everyone's hands.

Now that I look back on things, I must say I am proud. From being the outcast to a known being. I got what I wanted. My dreams had all come true. Haze isn't just a business but my life. Something that fuels me.

I've become older now. Miko and Ayato are married with children. While I live alone taking care of my business. I've grown closer with my father again, too, and spend most weekends with him.

But, I feel as if something is missing. Being the youngest and most successful buissnessman isn't all that I am. But people never see that. Apart from Y/N. Something about that girl intrigues me. What is it, though?

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