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Y/N opened her house door, Al Haitham following behind.
"Y/N, go to your room. I'll help with your bruises." Al Haitham said. He took a look around Y/N's kitchen looking for a first aid box.
"Y/N, where is your first aid box?"
"It's in the top cupboard!" Y/N screamed.
Al Haitham got the first aid box and knocked on Y/N's door.
"Come in!" She screamed. Al Haitham walked through the door shyly.

He took a look around the room, and it was filled with pictures of K-pop idols, friends, graduation, and himself. Al Haitham sat on Y/N's bed and began applying the medicine.
"Tell me if it burns, okay?"He said to her.
"Okay..."Y/N murmered, shivering underneath her blanket.
"Ow!" Y/N screamed.
"Sorry," Al Haitham said. "I'm Nearly finished." He applied the last amount of ointment on the bruise. "I'm done."

"Thank you..." Y/N replied. Al Haitham looked at Y/N with a sort of lust yet, heartbreak. It's like he felt conflicted within himself. "How did this happen to you?" Al Haitham asked.
"I- my dad, uh..." Y/N tried to hold in her tears, trying not to look weak. "He...he resents me because of my mum's death." She continued on. Al Haitham looked at her, eyes red and her face swollen.
"You know that I'll always be there for you, right?" He said to her.
"Really?" Y/N replied, surprised.
"Yes," Al Haitham said as he began playing with her hair. "soo smooth," he mumbled to himself."

Al Haitham began to cast magic with his hands it glowed, looking like a bright star. He let it go, and it shone in the room.
"Was that you?" Y/N asked.
"Heh...No." Al Haitham said to her.
"Thank you...zZZzz," Y/N mumbled, falling asleep.

Al Haitham stared at her. "Goodnight Y/N" He got off the bed and went into the kitchen. Sitting on the stool, opening his phone.
"Message from Ayato." He opened it.
"Why are you not home, huh? Are you emo again, or are you hiding something from me."
"Firstly, it doesn't concern you where I am and what I am doing, and secondly, just shut up." He replied. Al Haitham received a reply instantly.
"It does concern me actually, but if you wanna act this way, fine."
"I'll be working from home tommorow, also take care of that idiot Diluc. Thanks." Al Haitham replied, turning off his phone.

Thoughts raced through his mind. He cared a lot for Y/N, and he didn't know why. Her presence calmed him, and her experiences were somehow similar to his. Al Haitham stared at the celing blankly, confused at what was going on with him.

Y/N pov:
It was dawn. The sun was up, and I lay spread out in my bed.
"Rise and shine," I said to myself. I felt rejuvenated as if my body was miraculously healed. "Al Haitham with wet hair was so hot," I shouted. "Oh shit what if he's still here." I sprinted to the kitchen. A letter was left on the countertop. I opened it.

"Hi y/n,
I'm sorry I couldn't stay over. I bought you medication and doughnuts to make up for it. I also got you a new bank card. However, this is a black card where you can spend any amount without limits. It's connected to my bank account, so don't worry. Jean and your college Xiangling will also be visiting you to take care of you, so don't go to work.
Yours sincerely, Al Haitham"

My mouth was open with suprise.
"Lucky tuesday, hehe!" I squealed. I opened the box of donuts and began eating them. "Mmm, soo tasty!"
End of Y/N pov.

Al Haitham was receiving guests at his home. Diluc and his gang, Arataki Itto and Ayato. He sat on his sofa, staring at them.
"So what do you need?" He asked.
"You...baby!" Itto bellowed.
"Please stop." Al Haitham replied.
"We need money...Beidou come here." Diluc said sunglasses on his face.
"Yes... master Diluc." Beidou replied.
"Give him the wines." Diluc said. Beidou picked up the wines and placed them into Al Haitham's hands.
"Here, take our rarest and greatest wines gratitude for your help towards us." She bowed.
"It was nothing, now please get out." Al Haitham said. They all left his home, only Ayato left.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Al Haitham asked.
"Who were you with?" Ayato said sternly.
"You have asked me this ten times already." Al Haitham replied, rolling his eyes. Ayato pulled up a video on his phone of Al Haitham carrying Y/N's bags and him picking her up. Al Haitham shook his head, expecting this.
"Okay, I was with Y/N," Al Haitham admitted.
"Do you like her?" Ayato asked, intruiged.
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." Al Haitham got up and left the room. Leaving ayato speechless.

Y/N was at her house with Xiangling and Jean. She explained to them how Al Haitham took care of her.
"Damn, he's hell rich." Jean said
"Obviously, and he's only 25!" Xiangling replied.
"He worked extremely hard, though." Y/N added.

"He seems very kind, Y/N." Jean said to her, staring at her, wanting to see her answer.
"Yeah, he is..."Y/N replied.
"Do you like him!?" Xiangling asked, smirking. "I mean, he's hot, attractive, kind. He's like a dream." Y/N said, blushing.
"So you do!" Jean and Xiangling screamed in sync. The three of them laughed together. For the rest of the day, they joked around with her about it.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Im soo thankful for all the reads! what are your opinions on this chapter?

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