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I stared out my window at the beaming sun, with a cup of hot chocolate in my hand. Today was the day when I was going to Alhaithams house. I hadn't been there since Christmas, but I felt somewhat excited to go there again.

His home was just beautiful it was so simple yet breathtaking, that's what made it so unique. It reminded me of him.

After finishing my hot chocolate, I went to have a shower.

The shower water comes as perfect rain, warm and steady, awakening my skin in all the right ways. I felt refreshed. After my ample shower, I sat at my vanity and did my

I did my makeup light because I knew I wasn't going to work today. I put on a pair of khaki cargo jeans and an oversized black tee shirt. Ready for the day.

Suddenly, my phone began ringing.
"Hello," I said, picking up the phone.
"Y/n, I'm outside your home now. Are you ready?" Alhaitham asked.
"Yeah, I'm coming downstairs," I told him, hanging up the phone.

Heat rushed to my face. For some reason, I was excited to see him. I quickly ran down the stairs and grabbed my bag and coat. Opening, the front door ran I towards Alhaithams car.

I hastily opened the car door and took a seat in the car.
"Hello Y/n" Alhaitham said, his voice raspy.
Compared to his usual sophisticated voice, this sounded different.
"Hi, thanks for picking me up," I told him.
"No worries, how have you been since we last saw each other."He asked.
"Pretty good, how about you?" I said.
"I've been fine, thanks. anyways Y/n today, you're gonna meet someone of the name Yoimiya."
"Oh, okay." I replied to him.

For the rest of the car ride, we both sat in silence. Until we arrived at Alhaithams mansion. He opened his car door, and we both entered his home. The expansive mansion was a stunning sight to behold, with its towering columns, sweeping staircase, and numerous balconies overlooking the rolling hills. It was beautiful.

I followed Alhaitham upstairs and into his office. His desk was tidy and neat. All his books stacked up upon each other.
"Y/n take a seat."Alhaitham told me.
I took a seat opposite him.
"Yoimiya, you may come in." He shouted.

The door, to the office, slowly opened a short blonde girl walked in.
"Uh hello, I'm Yoimiya!" She said.
Her aura was sweet. She reminded me of a little kid. She was wearing a white tee shirt and an orange pleated skirt.

"Hey, I am Y/n you look beautiful!" I told her as she took a seat next to me.
"Well, great, you two get along." Alhaitham mumbled. "So, Y/n, this is the important person you were meant to meet today. As you know already, this is Yoimiya she is an intern starting up at Haze. You will be helping her and guiding her around work. Is this okay for you?"

The news came as a shock because I wasn't the most amazing employee at the workplace. I came late every embarrassed myself in front of Alhaitham multiple times, I was pathetic. However, Yoimiya seemed sweet, so I wanted to help her fit her.

"Yeah, totally I don't mind at all." I answered.
"Great, tomorrow Yoimiya will begin. Y/n I already sent you her number, so remember to message her." Alhaitham said while handing Yoimiya documents. "Well, that's everything, Yoimiya. You're free to go home."

"Thank you, Mr Alhaitham." Yoimiya said, picking up her black handbag and exiting through the door.

Now it was just me and Alhaitham left in the office. I watched him attentively observing his every movement as he signed his work documents. He was the definition of ethereal. Every time I saw him, I was just blown away by his beauty. No wonder that's why he has the reputation he has.

His office reminded me of him simple yet complicated. Alhaitham had a large collection of books in his office, but the one he seemed to be currently reading was called "Advice on romance.""

Unexpectedly, I erupted with laughter. I don't know why, but I found it funny. Alhaitham glanced up from his paper to look at me.
"Everything okay?" He asked.
"Sorry, it's just the book you were reading. Why are you reading that?" I asked curiously.

Alhaitham gave me a blank stare. He was speechless.

After a minute of silence, he seemed prepared to answer me.

"After I finish these documents, I will answer your question. How about that."He said to me a smirk on his face.
"Oh, okay." I replied.

Until Alhaitham finished his work, I sat aimlessly in his office, staring into space. I was bored, but being in his presence made up for it.
"Y/n, I'm done with my work, so I shall answer your question." He said. "I'm reading the book Advice on romance to gain an insight into how love really works."

I was surprised someone like him was searching for love. Someone who was perfect was struggling to find it.

"But love is just fate. Everything you learn is an experience." I told him.

"Then can I try that experience with you?" Alhaitham asked me shyly.

I looked at him in complete astonishment, someone who I'd been crushing on for ages felt the same as me.

"Are you serious right now, Alhaitham?" I asked.
"Yes, Y/n I am, you are perfect. From your face to your personality, you are everything I could ever want." He told me.
"Then let's experience it together."I said to him, smiling.
"Thank you, Y/n." He said.

Standing up from his desk, he walked over to me, picking me up from my chair, embracing me in his arms. His arms snaked around my waist, while mine were around his neck. Removing one of his arms from my waist, he began caressing my face.

Both of our faces drew close to each other, and our lips connected. His lips were warm and soft.Our bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together. I could taste our shared breath and feel the thud of our combined heartbeat. I ran my fingers through his hair while he held me by my waist, keeping me close to him.

I closed my eyes, immersing myself within our passionate kiss.

Slowly releasing from the kiss, we both stared at each other deeply.
"Wow." I said panting.
Alhaitham stayed silent, his fingers wrapping around my hair.

"Y/n you are truly amazing." Alhaitham said smiling.

"So are you Alhaitham." I told him.

That kiss was passionate the both of us showing our deep longing for each other. I needed him.

"Y/n stay over tonight." He said to me.
"Okay." I replied.

I wonder how long we're we both concealing our feelings.

FINALLY! Their relationship has begun. Reminder this is only the beginning.

Thank you so much for reading, in the comments feel free to tell me how your feeling and everything. I love you all sm and thanks for the support.

Love sayu ♡

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