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I woke up the sun shining in my eyes. Great, todays activity is the water park. It seems pretty exciting. I dragged myself out of bed and went over to the bathroom.

The bathroom was beautiful it was covered in marble walls, and it had a huge bathtub and shower. If only I had this at my home.

After my shower, I put my bikini on and threw on a pair of shorts. I said bye to the butlers, walking out the room.

Downstaires in the canteen, everyone was eating breakfast together at the table. I checked my phone it was 8am.
"Hi, Y/N!" Xiangling said to me, smiling
"Hey..." I replied to her. I sat down next to her at the table and ordered my breakfast.

"Everyone after you have eaten, we will make our way to the waterpark." Yelan said, passing us all sheets with the waterpark map. If I had to be honest, waterpark's weren't really my forte, I'm a horrid swimmer, and I'm scared of heights. However, I really want those prizes, so i'll have to cast my fears aside.

Once everyone finished eating, we all went on a coach to the waterpark. Dubai was beautiful. The city was lively and peaceful. Its culture is represented throughout its scenery.

The coach parked up at the waterpark. Everyone stared at it in awe, the famous Aquaventure. All of us came out the coach orderly and gathered at the entrance. Alhaitham was there waiting for us.
"Well, hello, everyone! Today, the challenge is completing the scariest ride here." He said to us. "Now, if you dont want to take part and lose out on a prize, always feel free to not take part."

As much as I wanted to say no, that prize really interested me. So I decided that I'm going to try.
"Alright then, none of you seem like you want to quit. Good luck, everyone." Alhaitham said to us, smiling lightly. I looked at Xiangling, who was quivering. This is going to be funny.

Yelan guided everyone towards the ride. I stared at it lost for words. I trembled with fear. HOW DOES ANYONE EXPECT ME TO DO THIS! I couldn't be the only one feeling like this. Everyone whispered amongst each other, anxious expressions plastered across their faces.

Suddenly, someone spoke. "I"ll go first, everyone,yes me. Bennett!". How could someone speak so smoothly. As if this wasn't daunting at all. Bennett strided out the crowd and walked up the lengthy staircase.
"Y/N....how are we going to do this." Xiangling asked me. In her eyes, I wanted to seem brave and worthy. So I decided to act confident.
"This is easy!" I said to her proudly. My pride consuming me. Xiangling stared at me dumbfounded.


I turned around. Bennett had done it. He managed to do it. Soon after, everyone was volunteering to go. One by one, everyone went onto the slide, claiming prizes.

Everyone looked at me.
"Well Y/N your the last one left, it seems." Yelan said to me. I looked at everyone around me. I cautiously walked up the stairs, holding in my tears. Everyone was chanting my name.
"When you're ready, just go," the lifeguard said to me.

I closed my eyes and let go of the bar. My body glided along the slide, moving with all the twists and turns. I heard the muffled chants of my name while I kept my eyes closed tightly.

Splash. I fell into the endless abyss of water. Kicking my way up, I gasped breathing in the air. I slowly swam towards the ladder and climbed out. Everyone clapped for me.
"Well done, Y/N!" Everyone shouted. Yelan passed me my prize. I looked at it proud of myself.

For the next couple of hours, we all went on different rides. Me and Xiangling took selfies and even secretly took pictures of Alhaitham.

"It's time to go home, everyone!" Yelan bellowed. We all gathered up and went on to the coach back to the hotel for dinner.

Atlantis Hotel was perfect. The cuisine served there was tasty too. As we all strolled into the dining room, my eyes scanned all the paintings and statues. I sat down at the table and ordered my meal. I decided to order a majboos, which is pretty famous in dubai. The waiters bought everyones meals to the table and we all indulged in our meals. Talking and laughing at our little jokes.

Yet I couldn't take my eyes off Alhaitham, who seemed so distant. After I had eaten, I went up back to my room.

I sat on my bed and watched anime for the next 2 hours. With a tub of ice cream in my hands. Today was so fun. I enjoyed it, even though I had to go on that scary slide. The prize made up for it.

I got up off my bed and strolled over to the window, taking a look outside. The view from my room was right by one of the many pools. A figure stood there staring at the sky. I blinked, confused. At night, people go to the pool?

I felt a sort of urge to go downstaires to talk to whoever this person was. To ask them if they were okay. I pulled on a hoodie and a pair of shorts. Running out the room, I took the lift to the pool to see whoever it was.

"Hello!" I said, calling out to them. "Are you okay?" They turned around their hair blowing in the breeze.
"Yeah..." They replied. The closer and closer I walked to them, the more I started to recognize who it was.

"Hi...Y/N is everything okay?" He said to me.
"I should be asking you that you have been distant all day, and now you're standing out here alone." I said to him.
"Y/N have you ever felt like a outcast, or misunderstood?" Alhaitham asked me, looking me in the eye. I didn't know how to reply his words sounded like he was so broken. "I have..."
"Then you probably understand how I feel. You see, I had no partner today, and nobody wants to work with me...heh" Alhaitham said.
"I'll work with you! Nobody should be lonely..." I voiced shyly.
"Y/N, you really don't have to..." he said, looking down. Why did his face have to be so pretty. "I will,see you tomorrow!" I said, running off, knowing I was blushing.

I felt a pull on my hand. I turned around, surprised. "Can I hug you?" Alhaitham asked. Before I could even answer, I wrapped my arms around him, snuggling into his chest. I could tell he was surprised, but soon enough, he embraced my warmth.

We stood there hugging under the moonlight as the pool glistened. To see him so vulnerable shocked me.

A/N: Thank you for reading! I hope you have been enjoying this book. what are your opinions on this chapter and was it good? Also the Dubai trip will probably be continued for another two chapter so expect more Y/N and Alhaitham moments! I love you all!

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