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This chapter is written from Al Haitham's point of view.

I sat in the dining room of my house eating breakfast while Yelan explained the plans for Kaeya's funeral. It was a balmy morning, I decided to have soufflé pancakes with strawberries and blueberries. Usually, I just get a protein bar. I felt irritated. I really didn't want to go to the funeral of someone who tried to kill me.

A maid walked into the dining room, handing me the speech I had to read out. I was very prepared today, I even had a custom suit made. I finished my breakfast and went back to my room to get changed.

I waited for my chauffeur to arrive at my house. I felt like making a dramatic entrance today, I have no idea why.
"Hello sir, im here to bring you to the funeral," the chauffeur said to me.
"Oh, thank you." I followed the chauffeur to his car and went and sat in it.

The drive was peaceful. I sat in the car on my phone reading e-books while i was being driven. I don't know why, but Y/N crossed my mind. I wonder how she's doing?

Soon enough, I had arrived at the cathedral. I stepped out of the car and walked into the church. Every famous person was in there, even people who hated Kaeya still arrived. Beidou, a famous journalist yet, ex-friend of Keaya, even came. I laughed.
"Ah, these people have no shame." I muttered. Sitting down next to Ayato.
"You always have to be so extra," Ayato said to me.
"Mr Kamisato, it's not my fault I have such high status," I whispered. "Well then, let's see how this unfolds,"
"It shouldn't be that bad," Ayato replied deep in thought.

The church service had just begun, a peony flower reef lay on the cofin. The atmosphere was solemn and depressing. Kaeya's mother cried as the priest read about his life. Once the priest finished, it was my turn to speak. I walked towards the podium.
"Ehm, well, I am very thankful Kaeya allowed me to work with him and Inovate his products. He was a kind person. Rest in peace, kaeya." I said, walking of the poduim. The words that just spilt out my mouth felt horrid to me it felt wrong. As if my conscience couldn't take it. I sat down back next to Ayato.

"You didn't mean any of that." Ayato said to me. I couldn't even deny it he was correct
"You're right." I told him. The church service continued for the next hour. People played the holy lyre, and hymns were sung.

It was time to bury kaeyas cofin. Everyone gathered around at the cemetry behind the church. Whimpers and cries could be heard all around. As the cofin was lowered, Diluc decided to speak.
"May I say that kaeya was a scammer who deserved to die." Everyone gasped. I looked at him with utter disbelief, surprised. Then Beidou began speaking.
"He betrayed me he left his friends behind now. Look at him him dead." Beidou sniggered.

Suprise was on everyone's shown on everyone's faces. People began throwing tamatos on the coffin, and Beidou even ended up weeing on it. I shook my head, expecting this to happen. I walked over to Kaeya's mum, trying my hardest to comfort her.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay." I said to her somewhat symphasing with her pain.

The funeral had now ended. Me and Ayato walked out of the church.
"What a funeral, huh?" Ayato said.
"I saw it coming," I told him, laughing.
"Beidou is all over the news. People even agreed with her actions."
"Heh... what has society become? " I replied to Ayato.

We both went our seperate ways and went inside our cars. I begun driving. An incoming call came from Yelan.
"Hi, you know the funeral news of it is everywhere, and now you have full ownership of Kaeya's buissness."
"I see make the necessary arrangements for tomorrow." I hung up. I drove through the bustling city as the lights illuminated the streets during the winters evening. As I drove by, I recognised Y/N at a bustop. I decided to call her.

"Hello?" Y/N said.
"Hi, it's me, Al Haitham. I saw you at the bus stop. I'm parked around the corner." I told her.
"Oh really, thank you...I'll be on my way now, bye." Y/N replied.

I waited in my car for her. Something about Y/N felt comforting as if she were like someone connected to me. I looked through my window screen just to see Y/N struggling with a lot of bags. I giggled. Coming out my car, I went over to Y/N, taking the bags out of her hand and putting them into my car boot.
"Thank you so much!" Y/N said, entering the car. I started up the car and began driving. Leaves fell onto the car it reminded me of my past.
"Hey, how was the funeral?" Y/N asked me, curious.
"It was chaos. Check the news." I replied, chuckling. For the rest of the car ride, we sat in silence. It was a tranquil, comforting silence.

A/N: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and enjoyed seeing more of Al Haithams perspective. I love you all!

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