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I had just woken up when I saw the most unbelievable thing on my phone. There was just no way this had happened.

I was involved with a scandal. It was a mess. Pictures of me circulated all over the internet, dating rumours, and now even news reporters in front of Xiangling's home.

This morning, when I opened my phone, it was booming full of notifications. This confused me as to be honest, there was no reason for this. Im not even internet famous.

So when I opened instagram, I was horrified. Pictures of me were everywhere, and even people I followed reposted the pictures. I instantly broke down in tears. I've seen how bad the internet can get. I wasn't prepared for this.

"Y/N! WE NEED TO TALK!" Xiangling screamed from downstairs. Thank god I was staying at her place it gave me a sense of safety.
"WHAT ABOUT?" I shouted, dragging myself off the bed.
"JUST GET YOUR ASS HERE." Xiangling replied.

I quickly ran downstairs and saw Xiangling in the kitchen. She had a different look on her face compared to her usual bubbly smile. "I'm here," Xiangling quickly turned around.
"Hey Y/N you have seen it, right?"
"Yeah, I have, but how bad are the comments?" I asked her. Xiangling glanced at me, the look in her eyes concealing the truth.
"They weren't that bad. Some people were actually defending you." She said to me.
I gave her a faint smile.

I didn't want to talk about the situation, yet I couldn't just shy away from it. I went on my phone and received a message from Yelan. I opened it.
"Hey Y/N, I know the current circumstances aren't great for you, so it's best if you take some time off work. I've already let Kazuha know, so dont worry. "

Thank god for Yelan, I won't lie. I was very thankful for this. I went back upstairs and took a quick shower. Then I threw on a hoodie and skinny jeans. Xiangling was downstairs in the kitchen baking while I sat in her living room watching the Kardashians.

An hour later, I received a call that it was no caller ID.
"Hello..." I said cautiously.
"Hi Y/N its me, Alhaitham. Im calling about the current situation."
"Oh.." I replied, surprised he reached out to me.
"Y/N, Im going to tell you now that your life won't be the same, to be honest it will be a rollercoaster. I will try my best to dispel the rumours, but it's also on you to try lay low. Hopefully, during your time off work, this will all be sorted." Alhaitham said.
"Thank you... I'm really sorry for the inconvenience I've probably caused." I said.
"No Y/N it wasn't to be honest. I haven't actually thanked you for how included you made me feel. Anyways, go off and enjoy the rest of your day." He said, hanging up.

Xiangling brought the cookies she had baked into the living room, and she took a seat next to me. "Hey, Y/N. How are you doing?"
"Im okay. Alhaitham called, he said he's resolving the situation."
"That's great. I hope things get better for you." Xiangling replied.

Xiangling and I both sat on the sofa watching movies for the whole day. We laughed and even cried. My mind felt relieved and calm.

Me and Xiangling ordered mcdonalds, so I went to her bedroom to eat. I sat on her bed, digging into my big mac and fries. However, my mind still couldn't come off everything that happened today. Even the comments that were made.

"Oh what a ugly bitch"
"How did she get such a beautiful guy"
"This must be a joke"
"Alhaitham really be confused rn"
"Who is she?"

Every single one of those comments hurt. Those words hurt me more than I thought anything could. I held in all my tears trying to act like I never read them yet now here I am eating Mcdonalds, while crying my eyes out.

I just need a hug, I need someone yet I don't want to burden anyone. Because no one will understand my current situation. I'm even afraid to go back to my house just in case some weird people find out where I live.

The door creaks open and Xiangling walks in. "Why are you eating alone Y/N?" She asks confused. I turn around to look at her ,tears welling up in my eyes.
"I just dont wanna bother you.." I reply. Suddenly, Xiangling embraces me in her arms giving me a hug. "I was waiting for you to cry." She said "Let it all out Y/N you know ill always be here for you."
"Thank you..." I reply hugging her.

A/N: Sorry I havent wrote in a while I felt sick and I also didnt feel too good either. THANK YOU FOR 2K READS! I really appreciate it and thank you all soo soo much!

I hope I can update as normal next week. I also want to ask should I continue winters dream? Or should I just delete it?

Anyways I wish you all a lovely day. I love you all!

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