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I rolled around in my bed, and my mind couldn't come off what happened a couple of hours ago. I was so surprised it was beyond me. His body was so warm, and his hugs felt so comforting.

I remember his face, his sorrowful eyes as they peered at me. Alhaitham...is he really that broken?

Dawn had just arrived, and it was time for our next activity of this trip. I dragged myself out of bed and put on a hoodie and shorts. "Morning miss, you look nice." The butler said to me, smiling.
"Thank you!" I replied, picking up my backpack and phone, heading out the door.

I entered the lift and pressed the button for the ground floor. "Morning Y/N, how are you doing?" Kazuha said, smiling brightly. It was surprising he was in here, to be honest, I thought he would be in one of the higher suites.
"Good morning! I'm doing quite well thank you, how about you?" I asked.
"I'm good, just excited for today's activity." Kazuha replied as the lift door opened.

We both walked into the hall, greeting everyone. I took a seat next to Xiangling and ordered a Baith Tamat. Which was a delicious combination of scrambled eggs with tamatos, herbs, and luxurious saffron. Everyone was talking or looking at their phones as we all waited for our meals.

"Y/N you excited for todays activity? Xiangling asked me, curious. To be honest, I didn't know if I was or wasn't. Todays activity was treasure hunt, which was not really something I enjoyed too much. I am bad with maps, and I usually take way too long to do things anyway.
"Not really." I said to Xiangling. She stared at me, shocked as if what I just said was crazy.
"Y/N... there are prizes to win. At least try!" She told me.

The waiters arrived with everyones food, placing it on the table. I picked up my fork and digged it. Mmmm...it was so delicious! Once I finished my meal, I drank some fresh orange juice. Yelan got up and passed everyone a sheet. "Well, everyone, today you will be doing a treasure hunt. On the sheet is the starting location, numbers, and different types of transport available in Dubai. Well, then everyone go get partnered up." Yelan said to us, smiling.

I promised Alhaitham I would be his partner, so I walked over to him. I knew Xiangling would be upset yet, I made a promise I must keep. "Oh hi, Y/N." Alhaitham said to me somewhat startled.
"Hi...can I be your partner?" I asked, hoping he didn't change his mind.
"Sure...I didn't expect you to keep to your word." Alhaitham said to me.
"Well, let's get going!" I replied, smiling.

Me and Alhaitham I walked to the starting point. Everyone stood there partnered up.
"3,2,1 GOO!" Yelan screamed. Everyone began running towards the first clue. However, Alhaitham just stood there staring at the map. What was he doing?
"You alright there?" I asked. Alhaitham looked at me confused.
"Y/N, everyone ran the wrong way..." He said to me.
"Really?" I replied.
"Yes, we should go left for the first clue towards transport to catch the bus to the first clue." Alhaitham said, walking towards the stop. This guy is smart. I began following him towards the bus stop.

With Alhaitham around, this should be easy, hopefully. We stood their waiting for a bus. This guy didn't even speak he just stared at his phone. I'm starting to regret this. Soon enough, the bus arrived. we both stepped on paying with our phones. "Where are we coming off?" I asked.
"Next stop, the city centre." Alhaitham said to me. I looked out the window as the bus drove, Dubai really was the city for the rich.
suddenly, the doors opened. I quickly came off the bus following Alhaitham.

Is he really not going to speak. He began walking as if he completely forgot I was here. Suprsingly, he found a clue. "Y/N do you wanna read it?"
"Sure...." I replied, looking at the clue. I did not understand this. All I could figure out is that it heads towards some sort of beach. "Is it towards a beach?" I asked. Alhaitham glanced at me, a little smile formed on his face. "You're right...it heads towards the Palm a beach shaped like a palm tree."
"I see...so how do we get there?" I asked, confused. "We will have to walk." Alhaitham said.

We both began walking towards the area. I was really hungry... I could even hear my tummy rumbling. Gosh, if only I could get a doughnut. "Y/N, you seem hungry. Let's head to the café."Alhaitham said suddenly. How did he know? Im not just gonna say no. Alhaitham took my hand, guiding me towards the café.

Alhaitham opened the cafe door for me, and we both walked in. I looked at the menu in awe, and my favourite doughnuts were there! Alhaitham ordered for me and collected my doughnuts. He passed them to me and we walked out of the cafe.

On the way towards the Palm, we both talked about the clues and the prizes. Alhaitham may be quiet, but he was very kind at heart. "Y/N, welcome to the palm." I looked at it was beautiful. I scanned the area for the next clue, but I couldn't find it. I heard my phone ring, and Alhaitham turned to me confused. It was Yelan...

"Hello, Y/N and Alhaitham, take the jetski, and you will reach your final destination." She said before hanging up. I had a fear or jetskis, so this wasn't looking too good.
"What did she say?" Alhaitham asked me.
"To get to the final destination, we will need the jetski." I told him.
"Alright then..." Alhaitham sat down on the jetski. My body ran cold. Walking towards it, I cautiously sat down.
"Y/N, hold on..." Alhaitham said to me, starting up the jetski.

I held onto his waist as he rode along the water. We were heading towards some huge on water stage. Who would've known Yelan would go to such lengths. I felt secure holding onto him, as if it was natural. Soon enough, we arrived. Alhaitham helped me off the jetski, and we walked towards Yelan.
"Well done, you guys! You are first!" Yelan said to us. She passed us both our prizes. This went amazing it was all thanks to Alhaitham.

Hours later, everyone else had arrived, and a party had begun. We all danced late into the night, all of us moving along to the music. I even spoke to Xiangling, who wasn't even upset with me, thankfully.

In the distance, I could see Alhaitham all alone it didn't sit right with me. I walked over to him, dragging him to the dance floor. "You can't always watch, you know..." I told him. "Okay Y/N whatever you say..." Alhaitham chuckled. It was nice to see him happy.

For the rest of the night, we all danced and cheered . This trip was a blessing that not all could have. I'm very thankful for it. On the way back to Atlantis, everyone slept on the boat tired.

I took the stairs to the top of the boat, wanting to admire the view. "Heh... Y/N I knew I'd see you here..." I recognised that voice. I turned around. "Alhaitham?" I said to him. "Hi, thank you for today... I really enjoyed the company." He told me with a smile. "You're welcome." I replied.

We both stood along the deck, staring at the night sky. Alhaitham seemed calm and let free his normal persona was gone and replaced with a hint of happiness.

A/N:Thank you for reading! This chapter was pretty chill so I hope it was okay! In the next chapter the trip will be coming to a close. I hope you enjoyed this! I love you all soo much <3.

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