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Everyone gathered at work with their suitcases. It was that time of the year. Buissness trip.

Y/N pov:
It was my favourite time of the year, the business trip. Ever since I started working here 3 years ago, I've been going on trips with the company. I loved it. All the activities we did the gifts we were given. However, this trip also had a yearly evaluation of how the company was doing and what the employees needed to work on.

The trip took place every winter, and the location was decided by the workers. Then Yelan would let us know the date.

Everyone had arrived early at the company today, with their suitcases and bags. We were guided to the conference room, and everyone sat down next to their friends.
"Y/N, are you excited!" Xiangling asked me.
"Yes! I can't wait, and since the vote was split this year, I wonder where we are actually going!"I replied.
"hmm thats true, we shall see.." Xiangling replied, typing on her phone.

Finally our boss had walked in. The owner of this whole company. Al Haitham.
"Hello, everyone! I see you have all come prepared. Before we set off, I will be doing the evaluation and giving out awards with prizes for certain workers." He said. Everyone began clapping. Im so thankful our boss is this kind.

"Well, this year, the company has been doing amazing. The cash flow coming in is above our average, and our new products have sold excellently. The customer service team has also improved by making sure refunds are issued and everything is taken care of. I thank you all for your hard work and efforts for haze! I will now be passing onto Kazuha." Al Haitham ended his speech smiling. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

Kazuha is the head of employee care. If anyone had any issues, they would just go running to him. So seeing him deliver a speech felt off.

"Hello everyone! I will be announcing the best employee award today."
"Y/N whoo do you think it will be?" Xiangling whispered to me.
"Who knows.." I said.

"This person works extremely hard day in and day out. They are loved by all their colleges and always smile through everything. Our winner goes too....Y/N, " Kazuha said, holding the award.

I walked down the staircase, and all eyes were on me. Kazuha gave me the award and an envelope in my hands, and I thanked him. For the next hour, other awards were given out to other colleges. My manager even cried when she found out she lost the best manager award. Me and Xiangling laughed that women deserved to lose.

"Well, it's time to announce the chosen trip location!" kazuha said, passing the mic to Yelan.

"Hello everyone! We will be going to DUBAI!" Everyone begun jumping and smiling. Even me, this is my dream place to go too.
"Dubai is a very beautiful city and has loads of different team building activities for us to indulge in. We will also be staying at Atlantis Hotel. I've already set up the rooms where everyone will be staying in. We shall now get going." Yelan said, ending the ceremony.

The whole hall clapped and stood up, ready to leave. Everyone left the hall collecting their suitcases. Yelan told everyone the coach was outside waiting for us.

As everyone entered the coaches, I was at the back of the line. The line shortened and shortened until I was the last one left.
"Miss, there's no more space."The driver said.
"Are you sure..." I asked, worried.
"Yes, miss..." The driver said sympathetic.
"Ah...soo, what do i do?" I said, confused. I looked around, lost trying to see where I could go.
"Hm Y/N is everything okay?" A deep voice asked me. I turned around. Al Haitham?
"Ah noo... there's no seats left on any of the coaches, so I'll just go home," I said, upset.
"Y/N this a team trip for all employees, I can't let you stay behind just come with me in my car." He said to me.
"Okay..." I replied, smiling.

I followed Al Haitham towards his car and placed my suitcase in his boot. It's nice to know he cares for everyone. He may seem cold on the outside, but on the inside, he is one of the kindest people I know.

Once the coaches began driving off, Al Haitham started up his car and followed behind. His car smelt like him, the sweet aromas reminding me of his perfume.
"Have you ever been Dubai?" I asked, curious. His eyes were on the road as he replied. "Yes, I have with a few close friends. It's very modern down there."

For the rest of the ride, we stayed silent until we arrived at the airport. I came out of the car and took out my suitcase thanking Al Haitham.

I sprinted into the airport looking for Xiangling. We met eye contact, and she came running to me concerned.
"Y/N... are you okay? you weren't on the coach!" She said, hugging me.
"Im fine Xiangling there was just no space, so Al Haitham took me in his car..." I told her blushing.
"I see you, girl! Well, Yelan checked everyone in, so let's just go shopping."
"Okay, lemme, just drop off my suitcase." I told her.

For the next two hours me and Xiangling I shopped and splurged our money on items and food. I checked my phone and realised it was time to board the flight. We strolled together to the boarding area and got seated onto the flight.

Yelan passed everyone a sheet with the room allocations and activities that have been set up for Dubai before we set off.

༄6 hours later༄
"We will now be landing at Dubai airport!" the pilot said. I shook xiangling awake from her slumber and told her we were in dubai.

The view while landing was exceptional. Everyone looked at it, surprised. When the flight landed, we all thanked the pilots and came off the flight. Yelan told everyone there were taxis outside waiting for everyone. So everyone just got into one after collecting their suitcases.

Our taxi driver was sweet. She was extremely funny and told us jokes about Dubai and how famous Al Haitham was here.
"Welcome to Atlantis. The hotel you will be staying at." The driver told us. I looked at it in awe it was stunning. The driver parked up the car and opened our doors, giving us our suitcases.

Waving goodbye, she drove off. It looked just like the movies. Dubai the land of innovation. As we walked towards the foyer, everyone from work stood waiting to check in.
"Hello Y/N" my manager said. I ignored her that women were so annoying. Me and Xiangling I spoke about food while we waited to be able to check in.

It was now my turn.
"Hello miss, what's your name?" The receptionist asked.
"Y/n L/n," I said.
"Your room is a presidential suite. You will be staying alone."
"REALLY YOU SURE!" I screamed. Everyone looked at me. I knew what I just did was embarrassing, but this couldn't be true. I'm in a presidential suite.
"Uhh yess miss it really is you. Your room is on the top floor, please enjoy your time." The receptionist told me to give me a card.

One of the employees had already taken my bags and suitcase, guiding me towards the presidental lift. I felt privileged.

The lift doors opened, welcoming me to my suite.
"Miss, please do make yourself feel welcome, I am your personal butler,"
"Oh, thank you. What's your name?" I asked.
"Tariq." He told me.
"Oh, alright." I replied, walking over to the bedroom.

The bed was so soft and comfy. It was light like a feather. I need this bed in my home. I checked my phone and saw messages in the work group chat.

"No dinner tonight...we will all reconvine tomorrow." Yelan messaged. The moon glimmered brightly outside, and the towering buildings illuminated in the sky.

This is going to be an interesting trip.

A/N: Thank you for reading! Do you think this trip will be fun or will there be chaos? Let me know in the comments. I love you all!

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